Be The Demons That Haunt Me In The Night

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Ch1. Don’t leave me behind

          I stood there at the train station watching as my mother left me behind for good, I was too late as I stand there gasping for breath. I decided it was best to turn around and walk home since she was gone and what was my father’s fault she left. I walk upstairs into my room and lay down as I hear the three small children run past my door. I let out a soft sigh as I reached for the small wooden box on my bedside table I dumped out the various contents on my bed and began to rummage through them. I picked up a rusted chain and locket I’ve had since I was seven years old. I carefully opened it up and saw a picture of mum and I when I was a child. I remember the day I got it I had the hardest time opening it up, my mother gently took it from my hands and returned it to me opened as I inspected the picture inside it I looked up at her and she had the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen upon her face. I looked through all the other tiny memorabilia’s I had stored away in the tiny box. There were various other pictures of my mummy and I and family photos, a certain one caught my eye it was just my father and I when I was first born and we were still in the hospital, I was crying as he held me and he look terrified to be a father but it made me laugh a tiny bit. I heard a knock on my door and quickly put the box and photos back on my night stand as my father walked through the door with a regretful expression plastered upon his face.

      “I take it you didn’t catch up to her on time?” My father asked me hurt laced into every word he said.

     “No I’m afraid not father she’s gone for good now.” I said my eyes looking everywhere but at the man standing in my door way.

      “I see Lorraine I am very sorry for this so I guess I shall just leave now.” My father said closing the door. I lay back down on my bed glancing at the clock that read two thirty three so I decided to change into a pair of my favorite jeans and a random band shirt and headed back outside to clear my mind. I was mid way through my walk when I ended up by a park my mother used to take me to as a child I looked up at the sky as it turned a dark blue-gray shade and black clouds filled every empty space signaling it was going to rain soon. I didn’t let that bother me as I headed to the swings. The rain began to pour down on me as I swung back and forth slowly. The chains on the swings began to squeak as I kept swinging. I decided to head off to a different place; I stood up my clothes sticking to me like glue. I slowly walked down the sidewalk enjoying the rain trying to stall going home as long as I could. I ended up at a bridge far away from everywhere I slowly climbed over and stood on the very edge. I peered over into the water and thought of everything has been happening recently my thoughts flashed to my mother and how she’s gone for good, as I thought of that a rush of sadness shot through me and at that very moment I was contemplating on whether I should jump or not.

      “You’re not going to jump are you?” I heard a voice behind me ask. I slowly turned around facing a young boy around my height with worried and sad eyes.

      “Well I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about just then” I answered him as I climbed over the bridge again. The stranger looked so sad

     “I don’t know you at all except for now but I can guarantee you everything will work out in the end and all your problems can be solved without jumping over a bridge.” I looked down and sighed he was right I was never really suicidal often I rarely thought about but every now and then I would have thoughts about death and all the ways I could possibly end my life. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body and I looked up and saw they were the strangers I returned the hug and we just stood there like that for a while just being completely enveloped in each other’s company. Finally we pulled away from each other and just stood there in silence unsure of what to say now.

     “My name is Shayley by the way Shayley Bourget.” Shayley smiled at me.

     “Lorraine, Lorraine Mordem is my name.” I said returning the smile. 

     “So maybe we could go back to my place to get out of the rain?” Shayley said rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. I just simply smiled and nodded

     “Sure.” I said following him out of the rain. We soon ended up in front of a decent sized apartment quite different from my giant house in the richest neighbor hood of Los Angeles.                                                                                “Sorry it’s not that great California isn’t exactly cheap.” He said.

     “Oh it’s quite alright I don’t mind” I said giving him a small smile as I sat down on the couch in the living room.

     “So Lorraine if you it’s ok to ask this why were you out on that bridge anyways?” I felt guilt rush through me at that moment and I just looked down unable to speak.

     “I’m sorry it’s ok if you can’t answer I guess that was rude of me to ask” I picked my head up slightly.

     “No it’s alright Shayley don’t worry about it I understand why you would be curious about that” I said as he sat down next to me. I felt his arm rest around my waist and his head lean onto my shoulder.

     “Good I’m glad I don’t want to make my friend sad.” He said. I smiled when he said friend I wasn’t unpopular nor was I “popular” I had maybe three to five friends at the most that’s not bad and I don’t mind really I was contempt with the amount of friends I have granted they were all female I mean there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s nice to be cool with someone and not worry about hair and makeup all the time like all my friends are. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while just taking in each other’s company it was nice until my phone buzzed in my pocket startling Shayley and myself. I answered it and it was my father calling me so I thought it was best to head home now since the time read four fourty five. I bid my good bye to Shay and headed home in silence.

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