The Sanctuary God

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The person who had just spoken just watched his actions with a bemused smile on her face. The woman, who wore pure white robes, tied around her waist was a silver rope or maybe it was a bit of string? Whatever it was, it held her clothes tight to her body. The woman herself though had no real defining features that were aside from the tattoo that came up from under her robe and onto her face, it looked to Colel like a tree branch.

His gaze softened a little as he saw her, but still, he seemed ready for anything. His body slightly tensed and his eyes did exactly what he had been trained to do. Scanning for any possible threats. After all, once you were a soldier, you were always a soldier.

"Who are you?" His voice carried on the room, echoing off of all of the walls. This in itself should not be possible due to the material and everything else, and yet Cole could not deny this truth. He though quickly hid his sudden surprise and carried on staring at the lady, now just waiting for her reply to his question.

She thought, just then began to walk forwards slowly, her footsteps echoing around with a soft click. She seemed to be oblivious to what he had asked and yet, she also did not seem to be as well. Cole could just not place it, let alone work out what was going on. And she did say, God, didn't she?

Then she came to a stop once more, now looking up at the face of the statue that was in the room. Cole had just followed her around the whole time. His eyes did not leave her for a second as she moved around.

Then her soft voice once more echoed around the room, "To answer your question. I am a priest of Mahotrie. We do not have names but if you really want to give me a name, you could call me, Anna. It was my name before I became a priest."

Cole quickly noticed that for some reason her voice did not echo around the room as his did. This only puzzled him more, how could it be possible that he did and hers did not? He quietly noticed this one peculiarity down into his mind as he then quickly asked another question in response to her words.

"So... Anna. Where am I? And what do you mean God?" His deep voice echoed around once more like he had expected it to.

"Simple. The statue of the man behind me is my God. The God of the Sanctuary. Mahotrie. He thousands of years ago walked the world as a mortal and like so many others in that time he ascended to Godhood. The man protected all who he could by sheltering and protecting anyone who came his way, no matter their race or creed. This led to him being considered one of the best Gods. And that is also why you will find is sanctuaries all around the world. Now enough about my God. Tell me your name, child of the void."

Her soft voice suddenly had a slight hardness to it, reminding Cole that this still was her well, temple it seemed and most of all he was intruding in a sense.

"But what do you mean, priestess? What is a child of the void?" Now all Cole looked like, was a confused fool. Though this did not make the priestess look towards, instead she was still staring up at the statue above her.

"It is simple. Your world was sanctioned and everyone within it is being moved to the main world. Or well realm. I do not know where you came from but every thousand years the same thing happens. A sub realm is collapsed and its people move to this realm. We call them the children of the void as every person sees the void, the never-ending darkness as they cross over. I am sure you know what I mean. So what is your name mister?"

Cole just stood there and looked at her back, all that he could think about was the darkness that he had seen before arriving in this room.

Whispering quietly as he thought about the void, "My name is Cole."

His words, unbeknownst to him made the priestess smile. Mumbling so quietly that no one could hear her, except maybe the statue in front of her. "So the first child is Cole. I wonder what great things he will do. Will he be like the others and help or break the world once more. I guess only time will tell." Then speaking more loudly so that he could hear her, "So mister Cole, I guess it is about time that I show you around and let you rest."

Then she strode past him to the corner in which she had first appeared out of, looking back, "Well are you coming?"

Cole shrugging his shoulders soon followed her over to the corner, where she pushed onto a certain spot in the wall, leading to a door that had been hidden before opening up. Then she walked into the hallway made entirely of wood.

"Madam priestess, is the entire place made of wood? The question had been bugging him for a while. Mainly because he could not understand why they would make such a building with clear importance solely of wood.

Chuckling to herself the priestess soon replied as they exited the hallway onto a pathway that snaked through the trees in the direction of a large group of buildings all made of wood, though this was not surprising to Cole anymore.

"Of course, it is made of wood. We do not have many smiths here. Nor did anyone back then, so we used the most abundant resource around here or well my predecessors did. That being wood."

Soon enough the two carried on walking towards the buildings, Cole's questions being answered one after the other. At the same time though, his eyes looked at all of the plants and life that was around him. It all just seemed to be so peaceful.

It turned out, that the sanctuaries like this one, would all take in the children of the void. Here they would house them for up to a month or maybe even longer in some cases, where people would be taught about the world and many other things enabling them to live in this new world.

Just before Cole walked off into the house which the priestess had given him, she said just one thing. "I will collect you and any others who arrive here at dawn. We will need to test and see if any of you have any affinities. Those who do, we can try and get into a magic academy so that they can use their powers to the best of their abilities." Then she left, leaving the bewildered Cole behind.

All that he could think, was this one thing. Magic existed in this world.

Then as the shock of everything faded he played back into his bed. His mind was thinking of only one thing. Not the magic or even any of the new and exciting objects he had seen.

All that he could see was her. His one and only love. His fiance. Deepika.

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