A Demon King

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The sudden noise startled Cole awake.

Looking around his darkened room, he quickly saw that it the sun had sent, and also that it was nighttime. The darkness is the obvious clue to his sudden conjecture. Then snap! He heard the same noise again as it echoed around the room that he was in.

Cole, for some reason feeling that there was something off about all of the noises, slowly slid out of the bed. He still had all of his clothes on still, due to the fact that he had fallen asleep before without even bothering to unchange.

Looking around, he could hear more snapping noises going on outside. There was way too much noise for it to be some kind of animal out there so that only could mean that there were people walking around outside.

Feeling both bored and annoyed, he opened the door and walked out to see who was out there in the first place. Looking around, he only saw a single person, unlike the group which he had expected to be out here in the first place.

The person who he had seen was wearing a similar style of clothing to which the priest was wearing, though already Cole could tell that the person he was looking at was a man. The build and other characteristics that he could make out were all definite signs of the figure being male.

Not overly worried about anything Cole walked over to the man, after this was the sanctuary and he was in no real danger. Though even if he was, he could defend himself after all.

That thought soon went out of the window though.

"Yarghhh!" A sudden scream echoed around the forest and Cole watched on horrified. The man suddenly burst into flames and multiple figures appeared around his burning corpse, seemingly out of thin air.

The smell of burnt flesh soon filled the skies and the soft crackle of the fire itself gently spread out around.

The group of people, about ten of them. All suddenly looked at Cole, in one unanimous movement. Then one of them simply said, "Get him."

The entire group stormed over to Cole. There footsteps breaking twigs and branches apart, each one seemed to have some kind of weapon in hand, The most common being knives of varying kinds.

Then in moments without giving himself any time to prepare, they were all upon him.

Taking a sudden step back, Cole felt the wind violently vibrate around him as blows came down from every side. He was talented but he was not a genius.

His arms moving around in tandem together, nine of the attacks were blocked. The only one that he hadn't been able to block...


A sudden burst of pain assaulted his senses as the dagger snuck into his gut.

"You fucker!" Screaming out in rage and pain, he raised his fists and sent two kick jabs into his stabber's throat. This only led to the man collapsing like a bag of potatoes to the floor, foam starting to come out of his mouth.

The nine remaining people all slowly began to step back, each one was wearing a mask and long robes covering all of their body up. Cole looking at all of them weirdly for not attacking him, quickly glanced down at the knife that was still in his gut.

In truth he quickly worked out, it would be far better to leave the knife inside of him for now as it would be stopping the blood from leaving his body this though would not work for long at all.

Then he looked back up, the nine masked attackers all just looked back at him. Nothing was in their eyes, nothing at all. Rage filling his mind a little Cole suddenly darted forwards only to then stop as he felt something cold right against his neck.

Then a voice whispered against his ears. "I would not move if I were you unless you want to die that is."


Suddenly a sharp pain hit the back of his head. Cole feel down forwards the blade not in the way luckily for Cole, although as he heard the weird chanting that was now around himself, Cole would soon come to wish that the blade had been there.

Seconds later, just as the priest had. Cole suddenly burst into flames.

His screams echoed out and as suddenly as the pain had come, it soon left.

Cole feeling really hot slowly stood up. Looking around his surroundings were different completely. All he could see now were black rock and fire.

"Hahaha. Another soul here for me to feast on." A deep, demonic voice screeched out behind him.

Cole on reflex spun around only to see a massive black throne. Adorned with fire in metal cages as well as skulls. The figure that was on it, could only be described as a demon.

The black-skinned figure was screeching to itself as it glared down at Cole. Its yellow eyes with black slits almost seemed as if they were already eating him up. The demon itself was muscular and seemed to be strong. There even looked like a pair of wings behind its back on the thrown.

As it grinned at Cole, showing off its rotting sharp teeth. Cole could only wonder why this was happening to him. He had done nothing wrong his whole life! Yet why him! Was this the price for his confidence in entering the gateway? Or was it because he had killed so many Xeno's in the war? Why just why?

As one would expect Cole, see fell into despair. The demon seeing this only smiled more. The sicking creature seemed like it was having fun watching him. Though, that smile soon began to fade. Unbeknownst to Cole, the demon had suddenly found that there was a problem.

"You...YOU ARE A VOID CHILD!" The demon's raging voice echoed around as it leapt to its feet, the ground shaking as they crashed down.

Cole, being chucked around due to the commotion could only helplessly look up.

"Now, Void shit. Feel the wrath of me. The 3rd Demon King!" A massive greatsword suddenly appeared in the hand of the demon, and as the weapon cleaved down straight at Cole, the black energies rushed at him.

Cole did not feel a thing as the passed into his body and the next thing that he knew. The greatsword passed straight through him.

Cole looked blankly at it. As the expected pain was not coming at all. In fact, he seemed to be perfectly fine.

"Huh..." The confused groan soon tumbled out of his mouth as the demon roared angrily.


Then as the demon began to rant and roar again, a white light soon took shape around Cole. The demon seeing this only became more angry.

"YOU! I WILL FIND YOU!" Then the moment he finished roaring, he then grinned wickedly.

"Then you will serve me for eternity. Enjoy your torture...mortal..."

The crack of shattering glass then sprang out and Cole found himself exactly where he had disappeared or well burned up from. Around him were the bloody remains of the well, cultists? The ones who had killed them, still looking incredibly pure were a bunch of armed priests. Chief among those was Anna who only looked at Cole with pity in her eyes...

"I am sorry...."

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