Chapter 1 - Nothing will go wrong

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"You have your camp shirt right?" Piper asked, throwing her bag into the jeep. "You forgot it last time and that was disaster."

"Yes Piper," Jason rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, but even as he said it, he doubted it.

They were on their way to Camp Half-Blood for a relaxing break. He loved Camp Jupiter, but the summers were better with the Greeks.

"You brought your laptop?" She asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"Your glasses!" She snapped her fingers, turning towards him. "Where are your glasses?"

He looked over the roof of the jeep at her as he slowly held up his glasses. There was no way he was forgetting those again.

"What's wrong?" He asked, unlocking the jeep and climbing in. Piper had been acting like this for days. Constantly over analyzing everything and freaking out over the smallest thing.

"Nothing's wrong," she said, shrugging slightly as she played with her braid. Jason loved it when she wore it like that, she didn't wear it like that very much anymore.

"But something's bothering you," he looked over at her as he pulled out of the parking garage.

Piper bit her lip and nodded.

"What is it?" When she didn't answer he asked, "Do you not want to go to camp this summer?"

"What?" Piper asked, turning in her seat to look at him. "Why would you think that?"

"Every time I so much as mention camp, you freak out," he explain. "Mind telling me what's going on?" They'd been together for eight years now and he still had no idea what went through her head.

Every day she found a new way to surprise him. The taco mountain she made on the anniversary of the day they rescued her dad, eat weird food Wednesday, the parrot named Earl, quitting her job last month.

That last one was a hard one and they'd only just stopped fighting about it.

"Well, we haven't seen everyone in so long and this is the first summer that we're all together since...oh, gods I can't even remember," she mumbled, looking down. "I don't want it to be messed up."

He sighed, now he understood.

It had been so long since they'd seen anyone. He and Piper moved a lot. They rarely stayed in one place for more than a few weeks. He worked with Camp Jupiter to track down demigods and take them in. Something like the satyrs for Camp Half-Blood but more effective. Piper was a graphic designer until a month ago, meaning she could travel and work with him.

Percy and Annabeth were still living in New Rome. The last time he saw them, they had just gotten back from their honeymoon and he was bringing a demigod to New Rome. That was almost a year ago. Percy worked at the aquarium and taught lessons to the other demigods when he could and Annabeth worked outside of the city in an architect firm.

Leo and Calypso were a whole other story. After coming back two years after the Giants War, they decided to travel the world on Festus. The last time Jason saw them was at Percy and Annabeth's wedding.

Hazel and Frank lived moved to New York. Frank was a zookeeper, Leo would never stop teasing him about that one. Hazel was a kindergarten teacher. It suited her well. The last time he saw them was four months ago when he and Piper were looking for a Half-Blood in New York. They were engaged, Piper still hadn't let him off the hook about them getting married before them. The wedding was at the end of the summer.

Nico finally started dating Will five years ago after three years of scooting around each other. Nico was currently unemployed while Will worked as a doctor. Three months ago, after months of arguing, they moved to Alaska so Nico could be "away from all the heat of Boston." Jason hadn't seen them since the move.

And then there was Reyna. She still lived in New Rome and worked as an advisor to the Praetors. He talked to her over IM every other day. He liked Reyna, but she could completely miserable. She reminded him of a thunder storm most of the time. Piper said it was because she watched all of them get married and she still hadn't found anyone remotely appealing.

Summer wise, he figured the summer that Leo came back was the last summer they all spent together. That was six years ago. Sure, they would all go to the camp during the summer, but it was very rare that they were at the camp at the same time.

Something always came up. Leo and Calypso booked the hotel in Russia for the wrong days. A gorilla got sick at the Zoo and Frank felt bad leaving. Jason got called to find a half-blood. Nico wouldn't stay at the camp for more than a week. Reyna had to get back to Camp Jupiter. Annabeth's firm was changing location and she had to help with the move.

The last time they were all together was in July for Percy and Annabeth's wedding. And that was only for three days before they all went their separate ways.

Just when Jason was starting to think that they would never see each other again, Annabeth got involved.

Three months in advance, she IMed everyone. She demanded that they all book the time off and get their sorry butts down to Camp for July first and stay for the full summer. It had taken a lot of work, arguing, and complaining (Nico), but everyone booked the time off and agreed to spend one hundred percent of the summer at Camp Half-Blood.

So he and Piper took a road trip, crashed in their New York apartment for the night, and braved the July first traffic. As painful as it was, it would all be worth it when they got to camp.

"Nothing is going to mess up this summer," Jason reassured his girlfriend, taking her hand.

"I just feel like something bad is going to happen," she muttered.

"The only bad thing that could happen is Nico occasionally raising the dead," he told her and she smiled. "Even that's not so bad."

They drove in a comfortable silence for a while. They spent most of their time in the Jeep, moving between safe houses, motels, and apartments. They drove each other nuts, constantly sharing the same space, but they learned to work together.

"I've been looking at jobs," Piper says breaking the silence.

"What kind of jobs?" he asks, raising his eyebrow. He got a decent pay from his job, they could survive off of it, but when Piper had a job, it helped. A lot.

"Permanent jobs," she mumbled. "Jobs that I would have to stay in one place for."

He almost crashed the jeep.

A permanent job? She would stay some where and he would move around? How could she even think about that? Was this her subtle way of saying she didn't want to be with him anymore?

"Why would you want that?" he demanded once he got control of the car. "I thought you liked being on the road."

"Being on the road is fun at first Jason," she said, looking up at him, "But I'm getting to the point where I feel like I'm getting too old to keep doing this. I want a steady job and a house that doesn't move. Haven't you ever thought about settling down? Getting married, having a family?"

He had thought about it. More and more recently, but this job was his life. He lived to help these kids, how could he simply turn away from them? He waned to marry Piper more than anything, he really did, but the job was part of the deal.

"Piper, you know I do, but..." he trailed off when he saw Half-Blood hill.

"But what Jason?" she demanded.

"We'll talk about it later, we have to deal with that," he told her, waving towards the hill.

The hill that was on fire.

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