Chapter 16

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The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and stretched my arms and legs, enjoying the peacefulness of the early hour. Everyone else was still sound asleep. I quietly slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After brushing my hair and putting on my favorite outfit, I brushed my teeth and felt fully prepared to face the day.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed Mirabel was already awake. "Good morning, Mirabel," I greeted her with a smile.

"Woah! You're already ready, girl?" Mirabel said, surprised as she got up and headed to the bathroom herself. I smiled back and decided it was time to wake everyone else up.

I gently shook Dolores awake first, then moved on to the others, making sure everyone was up and getting ready.

**20 minutes later**

Finally, everyone was ready, and we all headed downstairs together. As we descended, Mirabel paused to greet her Abuela's picture, as she always did. I simply waved at the portrait in respect, following her lead.

"Oh, Y/N! How was your sleep?" Abuela asked me warmly as we entered the dining area.

"It was good! But everyone was very loud," I replied with a grin, though my words were meant more as a playful jab than a complaint. I then walked away, finding my seat at the breakfast table.

Abuela glanced at Mirabel with a hint of concern, but Mirabel just gave a small, reassuring laugh. "It's okay, Abuela. She had fun," Isabela chimed in, smiling at her grandmother.

"Well, alright then," Abuela said, her expression softening as she returned Isabela's smile.

We all took our seats at the breakfast table. The room was filled with the delicious smell of freshly cooked food, and I could already tell it was going to be a great meal.

"Since Y/N is here, do you have any special food you'd like?" Julieta asked me with a kind smile.

"I'll have anything! I'm not picky," I replied, smiling back as I settled into my chair.

As soon as breakfast was served, Camilo wasted no time digging in. I picked up an arepa from my plate and took a bite. It was amazing-easily one of the best things I'd ever eaten.

While I was enjoying my meal, I heard Abuela talking softly with the others. It sounded like family business, so I knew I shouldn't listen. But my curiosity got the better of me, and I tried to catch bits of their conversation.

"Psst, Hermosa," I suddenly heard, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes widened as I looked around, only to find Camilo sitting nearby, not even looking at me. I shook my head and returned to my food, thinking I must have imagined it.

"Hermosa!" I heard it again, this time more clearly. I looked at Camilo again, but once more, he wasn't even glancing in my direction. Now I was sure he was playing some kind of trick on me.

I leaned over and poked him lightly. He chuckled in response, confirming my suspicions. "Stop playing around, Camilo! I'm trying to eat!" I complained, though I couldn't help but smile as I took another bite of my arepa.

Camilo just grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying his little prank. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stay annoyed with him for long. The breakfast continued with lively chatter, laughter, and the feeling of being part of something special.

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