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                             stood at the end of Minhos bed, debating on wether or not he should wake him. He looked so pretty when he slept. didn't wanna disturb the beauty. Even so, he needed to be awake right now. It was time to start training.

"Minho." He gently shook the boy, "Min, wake up."

Minho groaned and turned over.

"Min, I need you to wake up. I wanna show you around the place."

Minhos eyes shot open and he sat up.

"Really? I'm gonna see what's outside of this room?"

"Mmhm." nodded.

"Ok! Let's go!" He got out of bed and walked over to the door.

"Woah woah woah. You gotta get dressed first." laughed.

Minho looked down, realizing he was only in his boxers.

"Oh ya." He mumbled, walking past to the bathroom. chuckled as the embarrassed boy walked by. He left the room to go grab his gear. When he came back, Minho still wasn't out of the bathroom.

"You done yet?" He knocked.


"Come out then. I have stuff to give you."

"Well- I didn't grab clothes to change into. Can you grab me some please?" laughed. "Ya one second." He grabbed something suitable for today's activities and slipped them through the space Minho gave him when he opened the door.

When Minho came out, Jisung pulled him to the door.

"Ok. Before we leave, here are some rules. One. Don't leave my side. You stay with me the entire time. Two. Don't touch anything unless I tell you to. Three. Don't talk to anyone but me. All the boys should be here so I recommend you just stay quiet if they're around. Got it?"

Minho nodded, eager to finally get out of this room.

"Good. Let's go then." grabbed his hand and held onto it tightly. He didn't think the boy would try to run away but did it just as a protective measure and also to make sure the boss wouldn't get mad at him. They walked down a long hallway, passing closed doors and the place where Minho should've been.

"Is this a police station?" Minho questioned.

"What? No."

"Why are there jail cells then?"

"It's where we keep hostages."

"Aren't I a hostage?"


"So why am I in that room."

"It doesn't matter. We can keep you in the cells if that's what you want."

"No. No, I like the room."

They finally got out of that hall way and into the main room.

"This is where we just chill. Sometimes we have meetings in here but usually those are held in the conference room."

Minho looked around at the open concept style room. It seemed small with everything that was in there; two large couches, a long dining table, the kitchen, and a few shelves decorated with weapons and other items Minho assumed were trophies from their kills or robberies.

"Ok, we're gonna go to my office for a bit. I probably shouldn't take you there yet but I trust you." smiled.

Minho felt relieved that he already had so much trust in him. led him down a wide hallway with doors secured by two or three locks each. At the end of the hallway stood a large, two door entrance. stopped in front of one of the doors and undid all the locks. He opened the door, letting Minho go in first. It was a pretty empty room. A desk with a few papers and a desktop, a small built in closet he figured was unused, and a fluffy pink chair in the corner near the desk. locked the door from the inside and signaled Minho to sit in the chair.

"So? What'd you think?"

"It was kinda scary."

"Well it'll probably get scarier. That was just the main part of it. We still have a bunch of rooms to go through. I can't show you all of them yet tho."

"Why not?"

"CB97 won't allow it. Not until he has some trust in you."

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