Jealousy / / requested

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CW/TW: None

"You cheated, it doesn't count TK." Mateo pouted.
"No I didn't."
"You did, you spun." Paul responded without looking up from his phone.
"How would you know? You've been staring at your phone all morning," Carlos questioned.
"Well," Paul stops when Owen walks down the stairs of The 126, followed by another person none of them recognize. They were tall, around 6'2, and obviously worked out quite a bit.
"126!" Capt shouted when he was nearly down the stairs. "This is the new probie-" Owen was cut off by TK. He instantly recognized the person standing before him. "Alex!" TK's friend from high school, he hadn't seen him since he left New York.
"TK?" Alex asked.
"I take it you know each other?" Strickland asked.
"Yeah, we've known each other since freshman year when Alex fell down the stairs.""I thought we agreed to never speak about that again."
Carlos walked in witnessing the events before him, TK rushing over and wrapping another person in what seemed like a very intimate hug. He tried not to think much of it but the hug lasted a little longer than he'd liked. Owen noticed the look on Carlos's face when he walked in, he went over to Carlos.
"Hey, Carlos.""Uh, hi Owen." Carlos let his eye linger on the hug before turning to face Owen.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had a shift?"
"Yeah, uhm, TK and I were- Nevermind." Carlos says,hurt, glancing over at the two still hugging.
Owen follows where Carlos had previously glanced. "Oh, that's Alex, TK's friend from high school. They just moved to Austin and they're our new probie."
"I see. Well, they seem like a nice person..."
"Yeah, they are. Come on." Owen motions for him to follow and he does.
By now, the two are done hugging, and instead are laughing at some inside joke.
"How is that funny?!" Marjan asks.
"Oh, hey baby." TK says when he feels a hand on his lower back. Turning his head to kiss Carlos on the cheek, at the last second, Carlos turns so they kiss on the lips. When they pull away, TK immediately notices that Carlos is stressed. His eyebrows slightly furrowed, his shoulders heavier than normal, that usual sparkle he has behind his soft eyes is gone, his smile is forced.
"Are you okay?" TK asks.
"Yeah, I'm good. Uh, you ready to head out?" Carlos quiets his voice a bit when asking if he's ready to head out.
"Yeah, just gotta grab my coat." TK stands up from leaning against the dining table, picking his jacket up from the chair next to Alex. Reaching over, he wraps his arms around Alex. Again, Carlos adjusts his stance, getting annoyed at how friendly the two seem.
"Bye.""See you later." TK corrects his friend.

The two began walking down the road to the nearby boba shop. The two walked hand-in-hand in sync with each other, not saying a word. The weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold, a soft breeze filled the air.
"Are you okay? You've been quiet."
"Yeah, I'm good darling, just been a long morning."
"Oh, okay. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No, I'm okay now that you're here.""You are so cheesy."
The rest of the walk was the same, neither of them talked. TK would occasionally bring their hands up to his lips and kiss Carlo's softly, trying to bring him some comfort knowing Carlos was not "good."
"Los," Carlos looked over at his boyfriend," I know you're not okay, just, you would tell me if it was something serious."
"Of course, it's not a big deal, just work." He placed a kiss on the top of his head.

Carlos had gotten home, he placed his shoes in the closet, his keys in the dish by the door and began walking to the living room expecting his boyfriend to be watching his favorite show. But he wasn't there, assuming he had just gone to bed being exhausted from work, he dragged his feet to the bedroom expecting to find TK peacefully asleep in their bed. When he noticed the bed empty, panic began to set, TK had finished work at the same time as Carlos but always got home first. Assuming the worst, he called Owen.
"Hey, Carlos, what's up?"
"Have you seen TK? He's not at the house or answering my messages."
"Yeah, he's still out on a call. They got a call a few minutes before their shift ended, he should be back soon."
"Oh, okay thank you."
"No problem."
Ending the call, Carlos sat down on the couch waiting for TK to return home from work.

30 minutes after Carlos's call with Owen, TK walked in the door, he was carrying a jacket that wasn't his and stubbled a little with each step, sleep evident in his eyes. Carlos stood up and walked over to him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good.""Okay?" concern evident in his eyes and voice.
TK steps forward, wrapping himself around his boyfriend, hugging him tightly.
"I missed you today."
"I bet you did." Carlos mumbles almost incoherently.
"You're jealous." TK says, pulling himself back to look Carlos in the eyes.
"What? No I'm not. Why would I be jealous?"
"You started acting weird after you met Alex."
"Okay, maybe I'm a little jealous of yours and his relationship. But with good reason. You guys were all touchy feely when I walked in."
"Babe, we're just friends, I promise. Also, Alex is non-binary and uses They'Them pronouns. Also, they're not my type."
TK begins walking over to the couch, Carlos following him. Sitting on the couch, Carlos wraps his arms around TK's torso, while he sits resting his head on Carlos's shoulder, sitting in his lap.
"Mhm, so what is your type, my love?"
"Uhm, you?"
Carlos chuckles at his boyfriend, planting a kiss to the top of his head.
"I love you." He says quietly, looking down at the love of his life, his eyes closed, asleep curled in his lap. He chuckled softly to himself, wondering how someone could look so at peace. Slowly he picked TK up, bridal style and began his ascent up the stairs. Stirring slightly, Carlos placed a kiss on the top of his head.
"What are you doing?" TK mumbled.
"Taking you to bed, you fell asleep."
"Oh." TK nuzzled his head into his boyfriend's neck, Carlos chuckled again at his behavior.
Word Count: 1088
A/N This was a request by: @hufflepuffapollo I hope y'all enjoyed it. Let me know if I missed out on any triggers, I don't think there's any, but let me know if there is.

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