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The whole concept of online friends wasn't really that popular when I first got onto the chat room. I was 11. Living in a rather "news-filled" city, the thought of people faking who they were was pretty common. Seriously, is you were to mention the words "Online Friends," adults would instantly thing of pedophiles, rapists, maybe serial killer would pop up here and there. But I thought there was no reason to think that way. It's not like I was the only kid on the internet, c'mon.

The game was common for kids our age, but the chatroom part of it was a completely different story. I decided to make an account. My 11 year-old mind decided to make a considerably reasonable username: TwoTigers. Still don't remember who the other "Tiger" was supposed to be.. Anyway, I was on the site for a long time, gaining popularity, friendships, stuff like that. Two years went by, I had an appropriate amount of friends, and I see a new name, NutellaLover999. (yep, love her already) We started talking unintentionally in the middle of a fight in the chatroom (so entertaining, :P) And she decided to say something so hilariously sarcastic. I ended up on the floor in tears, and that was when I realized that she definitely would be best friends. Fortunately, we started talking via Private Message, or the actual game we registered for. We got along. Fabulously.

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