Chap.17~ No Title

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Author's note: Iv'e got bandages on my fingers from my cats, so I'm sorry for tryping mistakes. It's hard to type with these things. Inbox me if you have suggestions for the fan-fic, I might end up using them. Thanks guys, you all mean a lot. Also I am open to hearing any questions and/or requests.

Chapter 17

Draco's POV

It's they day before the task and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about dragons nor have I told Harry that I'm taking his place. For Merlin's sake, I'm really bad at the whole being a  hero and protecting my boyfriend from dragons thing. Hell, I'll just have to talk to Hermione again at dinner. That is if Weasley will let her out of his sight. I swaer that boy has a thing for her. I mean, I could probably find something in the library about it first without having to go to her. Yeah, that's it, I'll go to the library. As a matter of fact, I'm going to head down there right now.

I grabed a quill, ink, and parchment and started walking to the library, but not even two minutes had passed before a boy with a comfortingly familiar smile and round glasses started making his way towards me. I sighed, not ready to talk to him about me taking his place. I was going to see how close to last minute I could get before telling him because I wanted to avoid him being upset with me for as long as possible.

He strolled up beside me and started walking in the same direction I was. "Hey, babe," he said. That was his usual greeting.

"Hey... Harry..." I said. Obviously faking a smile. Harry gave me a questioning look. I collected my thoughts, "Have you started thinking about what you're going to do about the dragons yet?" I asked.

"No. You know I haven't," he said.

"Good," I said a little relieved. "I uhh. I talked to Dumbledore."

"Did you? About what?" Harry asked.

I stood quietly for a second. "Well. I'm uh- going to take your place in the Triwizard Tournament... Technically speaking, I'm not going to, because I already am. Dumledore sent out the paperwork before I even got the chance to speak with him. I'm sorry I went behind your back and didn't tell you sooner. I just- I think it's better if I take over for you. I talked to Hermione about it and she also agrees."

Harry was pissed. You could see it all over his face. He opened his mouth as if he were about to speak but closed it again. His brows were furrowed and he kept shooting deadly glances at me. He stood there with his fists clinched, I honestly thought he was about to hit me, but then he spoke. In a deep, frustrations filled tone between clinched teeth he said, "What? Do you think I'm not good enough of a wizard?" He looked back up at me, still angry. I couldn't think of what to say, so he continued to speak, but this time he was closer to me. "Do you think you're any better than me? Well guess what. You're not. "

I tried to reason with him,"Harry, please. Calm down and let me explain."

"Let you explain?! You went behind my back! I asked you not to go running off trying to take my place! I don't need you to protect me, Draco. I can handle this on my own." He started to walk away from me. Where he was heading, I wasn't sure, but I ran after him.

"Harry, stop!" I yelled, grabbing his forearm. A piece of his black hair fell in his face when he turned around. He's so perfect. I started to feel like crap, I want nothing more than him being safe and not mad at me. "It's already done and there is nothing you can do about it now. Look, I'm sorry. I really am. I know that I should not have gone behind your back, but we both know that it's better like this. So right now you have two choices; you can either support me, or you can be mad and I'll do it on my own. What's it going to be?"

Harry leaned against a wall, sliding his back down it until he was sitting on the floor. "Where were you heading?"

"To the Library," I replied.

Taking a deep breath Harry mumbled, "Come on," He stood up, "I'm coming to the library with you. I think I know what you can do."

"Uhm, alright." I waited for him to start walking then followed behind him.

It was a quiet and tense walk to the library. That could have gone so much better. I should have talked to him before I went to dumbledore. Better yet, I should have talked to him when I first started to consider it. I'm such an idiot.

We took a seat upon entering the library and Harry sat across from me instead of beside me like he always does. He kept his head down and avoided eye contact with me. "A broom," he said. "You can use a your broom. I was talking to professor Moody and he told me to use a broom. Just use accio to summon it; it should work just fine with you doing that, as long as the broom is not in your hands when you start."

"Moody, huh? Shady character don't you think?"

"That's beside the point. So, are you going to use the broom?" Harry asked. His voice still sharp and unhappy.

"Yeah, I guess so... Baby, I am truely sorry. Please don't stay mad at me. I love you. You mean everything to me, and I know you don't need me to, but I just wanted to make sure you are safe."

Harry looked up at me, his frown had faded into a small smile. He stood up and came over beside me, crouched down, and kissed me on the cheek. "Come on, Draco, let's go get dinner."

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