Chap.6 ~ A Grim?

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Authors Note: Ok, so in my story Draco doesn't get "attacked" by the Hippogriff because clearly he's with Harry and not so much of a snob anymore (he is still kind of a snob, just not as much). But Gryffindor still playes Hufflepuff in November because Flint got sick for some unknown reason... So yeah.

Chapter 6 ~ A Grim?

Draco's POV

It was almost the end of October and me and Harry are doing better than ever! We would see each other almost every day at ten-o-clock and go for a walk in the forest, then sit against a tree for a while and kiss or cuddle. We would often also have secret meeting in broom closets or empty class rooms between classes and such. Hermione and Ginny were warming up to me and we were becoming friends. It really makes Harry happy to know that two of his closest friends were getting along with me... Ron however still wasn't talking to me or him and it was starting to get to the poor raven haired boy. Sometimes I would see him in potions almost in tears because of rude the stupid red head was acting. I just want to kick the weasle's arse but I know that would upset my boyfriend.

In double potions with the Gryffindors today, I noticed Harry and Hermione talking. They were talking very quietly and I could barely understand a word coming out of her mouth, I was trying hard not to eves drop but I could't help myself. "Harry. The grim is not out to get you, Professor Trelawney's class is complete rubbish." Hermione said with a look of frustration... A grim? I began to worry about him, I know that the professors predictions are usually crap, but  what if this time she was right? He can't die. He just can't. Ron butt into their converstaion rather loudly shooting a look at Harry, "I hope the grim kills his bloody arse. He deserves it." "Mr. Weasley. Fifteen points from Gryffindor for speaking out during my lesson," Professor Snape added. Ron sat down looking very upset. Serves him right, talking about Harry like that.

For the rest of the period I couldn't think about anything else besides the grim and wanting to beat up that good for nothing ginger... I'm going to do it, if he says one more thing about Harry in front of me he's dead!


 Class let out and it was time for lunch. I waited outside the classroom for Harry like I always do after potions. He parted from Hermione and walked straight over to me. We both knew exactly what to do and walked to the nearest closet opening the door and going inside so we could spend some time together without being seen. I ran my ringers through his soft messy hair, and he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer. His smell was enticing, it was the most wondrous natural cologne. We went on like this for a few minutes until finally breaking apart and Harry asked "What was that for?" 

"I just wanted to be close to you" I said. We left and went for the Great Hall after another hour or so. Lunch was almost over but I took a seat beside Crabbe and started to stuffed my face. Crabbe looked at me with suspicion "Where have you been?" I stopped for a second to think of how to answer that question but had nothing, so I just shrugged. "What's gotten into you Malfoy? You've been acting... Different." "Mind your own business Crabbe!" I spat back at him along with a nasty look. I finished my food as quickly as possible and left.


Harry's POV

"Shut up Ron!"

"No. You're a queer! It-it's not right!" Ron shivered as he spoke.

"Ron. What if you were put in the same situation as me? You want your best friend to support you right?" I asked.

"Well. I guess." said Ron

"I'm the same person I was last year and the year before. I'm the same Harry. I'm your best friend..." I said hoping I would have breakthrough with Ron. He groaned, knowing I was correct. I added to my statement with "Is it wrong to like someone?"

He stared at me for a quick second, then looked down"No." He replied.

"Is it wrong to be with that person no matter what the circumstances are? To be with the one you love?" I asked.

Still looking down at his feet he said "No. I guess not."

"So. Are we still best friends? I asked.

Finally looking back up at me he said "Yeah mate. We're still friends." He pulled me into a great big hug letting the words slip "I'm sorry."

Authors Note: Yay! Harry and Ron made up! *Happy Dance* And the boyfriends were getting real serious there in the closet... MAKE OUT SESSION! Oolala! Update soon. Comments and votes are always welcome! :) I will see you lovely readers later. <3

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