Dandelions: -KTH-

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"Come on! It'll be fun, just a little while, I promise!", he laughs, one that I loved from the bottom of my heart. I could forget the whole world when seeing his smile, how his lips curve into a boxy smile that make me feel wonders in a span of seconds.

"Okay", I said softly and got up from the ground. It was almost night and we were at a secluded cliff area, to have a small mini date. He got up with me, grabbing his phone and playing a song for us to dance to. He chose Dandelions of all songs, my favorite. I smiled, grabbing his hand and swayed to starting beat of the song.

Staring at each other, we danced, holding each other and just enjoying ourselves. 

Maybe it's the way you say my name...

Maybe it's the way you play your game...

For a few moments I lost track of the music and just lost myself in his eyes. His eyes meant the universe to me. That small satisfied smile on his lips just made me feel like I could fly. Fly with him. Fly wherever I want with him. With him... I didn't care where, I just wanted to be with him. I knew just that and that's all that mattered to me. 

I wanted to grow old with him. I didn't know anything other than that. I've thought a lot about it and I was planning on asking him tonight after we went home. But now feels like the right time...

 And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime...

And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine...

I closed my eyes, connecting our foreheads as we fell into a deep headspace of love. 

'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time

"I love you, so much. Taehyung I love you so so much.", I said softly but sternly, wanting nothing more than making my point clear. "I love you so much. I want to... Grow old with you. Have... 5 kids. Or how many ever you want", I chuckle as I studied his eyes for any other emotion other than love, there wasn't. He looked quite shocked since I've never conveyed these things to him before. Didn't mean he wasn't more than pleased.

"I want a family with you... I want more than just a boyfriend. I want a husband. I want a person I can call mine and- and I want to- I want so much more than this... And I want that person to be you, Taehyung. You and nobody else. I want you to be my husband. I want you to be officially mine. I want to be that person who you share your day with as you sleep peacefully in my arms after a long day at work. I want to that person for you who can help you when nobody else can. I want- I want to be your wife, Taehyung. I really do", I say with utmost sincerity. I play with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck, while he was looking at me like I just told him the best news of his life. 

A slow grin erupts from his mouth and enthusiastically asks, "Are you asking me to marry you? Really? Please don't joke about this", he added as a joke. That smile and those eyes are going to kill me one day. 

"Yes. Kim Taehyung, I am asking you. Will you please marry me?", I wanted to get down on one knee and stuff but I decided not to in the end. He just gawked at me for a few seconds before pressing his lips to mine. 

He moved his lips so passionately, his hands gripping my waist tighter than ever to pull me even closer than I already was. Both of us smiled through the kiss. I gripped his hair as both of us just stood there, kissing.

"Should I take that as a yes?", I murmured against his lips, not wanting to let go. Suddenly he pulls away and smiles wide. He cups my face in his hands and looks at me with so much love I thought I might explode. 

"I love you. And I would love to marry you"


Okay so I might have been emotional while writing this;)

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Uh so I am seeing that I wrote this about 2 years ago and I am physically cringing at this writing (its honestly better had I had hoped but still) I'm just publishing this so it looks like I do write and publish them (I write i just don't publish)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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