Chapter 1 "Is that why your crotch is almost on his face?"

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You know that feeling, when at the end of the day you can't wait to bury yourself under covers and sleep till you really have to wake up? Yeah, that's so not me. I stay up for most of the night and then sleep for maybe four hours which is more than enough time for me to recharge my bateries. That night was exactly the same.

At two am I was watching Game of Thrones on my laptop while everyone else was asleep. The whole house dark and quiet if you don't count air con working on full blast, but that's normal in Arizona. I should have probably think about heat before I applyed to University of Arizona, but on the other hand nothing would change my decision. So after dragging my best friend through best part of the country here I was, still not unpacked with only a week before classes.

I  think the only reason why I heard the noise was the fact that I always leave my bedroom door open. Romeo was sound asleep in my bed and I knew Jade was dead to the world until next morning, so I crept to the front door when I've heard it again.
Shit shit shit!
Seriously! My first night in this house and someone was trying to break in? Well just my luck.

Instead of being normal and reasonable person what did I do? I did what every blonde bitch in those horror movies - I went to see who was trying to get inside. I crept to the door and put my ear to it. Someone was breathing heavily and swearing under his nose. It was more logical to go I wake up the twins instead of just listening to some perv breathing, but logical thinking and voice of reason just aren't my thing.

I jumped out of the way when the door suddenly opened and a tall figure came inside. The spase was lit only by street lights so I reacted before I had any chance to look at our night visitor. I used my leg to swipe him off his feet and sat on his chest before he had any chance to react. I know, I'm such a bad ass. He had to be really suprised because he wasn't even fighting me. I know it wasn't exactly a good time for this, but I just couldn't not feel how big and well build he was. I was deffenitly sitting on a nice set of pecs.

''What the fuck?!'' stranger exclaimed trying to get me off of him. Good luck with that.  ''Get the fuck off me''. His shouting woke Romeo up because next thing I know Romeo is next to us waiking the whole house with his barking. ''Shut up Romeo!'' I was getting annoyed with this situation. ''And you - whoever you are - I will let you go as soon as you tell me what are you doing in my house''. The guy went absolutely still under me and I didn't know what to expect next. I mean I had Romeo who was still barking like crazy but this dog wouldin't hurt anyone even if his own life depended on it. At least I knew the guy didn't have any chance to escape. I was thinking about my options when stranger spoke again. ''Your house? Shit, I must be more drunk then I though''. Well that's not what I expected at all. I though I cought dengerous criminal not some drunk dude.

'' I swear I'll castrate that dog if he won't shut up!'' I heard somewhere in the house before someone turned all the lights on. My eyes needed a second to get used to that sudden change. My best friend barged out of her bedroom with the twins just a few feet behind her. She didn't even bat an eyelid seeing me there in the middle of the night, sitting on some dude. She was used to it. Stranger things happened to us over the years.  But the twins? Saying that they were shoked was understatment. First to recover was Travis. ''Oh my God! Are you ok?'' Aww bless his soule, he didn't know my dad was ex MMA fighter and I was his student.

''She's clearly fine but I could use some help you dipshit!'' came an angry answer from the drank dude. Wait! Say again?  ''What are you doing Summer?'' That came from my bff Jade. She was standing with her armes crossed over her chest with an amused face. ''He was trying to brake in'' I explained. I still haven't even looked at the guy. ''Is that why your crotch is almost on his face?'' Well shit, she was clearly having a blast, but before I could say anything else the drunk dude spoke again. ''Don't want to interupt anything, but you can't break in if you've got a key, so whoever you are i suggest you get off me so I can teach my brothers a lesson''.

Ok so I needed long, long moment to prosses that, but when I did few things became clear.

One: Travis and Kyle where almost rolling on the floor with laughter, so I guess the whole situation wasn't as dengerous as I thought.

Two: I was utterly, hugely embarrassed because the drunk guy's name was Breyden Anderson the reason why I moved from New York to Tucson, Arizona.

Three: Fuck my life, he was one of the most beautiful guys I have ever seen and right now he was pretty pissed at me.

I got on my feet looking everywhere but at Breyden. He was almost vibrating with anger.

''Travis how many times do I have to tell you? You wanna bang chicks in this house, fine but no sleepovers!''

''Brey this isn't what it looks like'' this came from Kyle. ''No? So what they are doing here in the middle of the night?''

This situation was getting more and more complicated. That is not how I emagined seeing Breyden first time after 13 years. He wasn't supposed to be even home for the next three days. ''You didn't tell me he was such a douche nozzle'' Jade whispered while the Anderson brothers where still arguing. ''Last time I saw him I was five and he was twelve and I'm sure he's just upset because of the situation. We should probably do something, Travis and Kyle think it's hallarious which isn't really helping.''

''We live here'' i said loud enough to be heard by everyone. Breyden looked at me like I had two heads.'' We just moved in few days ago. The twins said you not gonna be home for next three days so I'm sorry for this misunderstaning''.  Breyden looked at his brothers. ''So this is that big suprise you were talking about? When I asked you to rent those two spere bedrooms I didn't think about something like that!'' he said pointing in our direction. I tryed not to feel hurt but ouch.

The twins didn't seem to be fased by their brother's behavior and with cheeky smiles on their faces they both stood on ether side of me hugging me. ''She's our suprise big brother.'' said Kyle. Travis looked at me and I new that that was the time to revile the big secret...


So here it is! First chapter that I'm very nervous about. Please just keep in mind that English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

Comment, let me know what you think about the cast. Any suggestions who should be cast as Hope's gay brother would be much appreciated.

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