5. Bright (tw!)

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"For someone with an IQ of 187 your really fucking stupid."

"Excuse me? Y/n, why can't you accept that your wrong this time?"

"Because I'm right? You can't paint your walls 4 different colors!"

"Yes I can and I will."

"Why don't you listen?"

"Because I don't have to? Also I like the colors. They are pretty."

"Oh my God. Spencer Reid they don't match."

"Ok? And?"

"And your going to look like a fool!"

"Don't act like you care. You hate me and I hate you."

"Then why are you still talking to me?" It wasn't a question but it wasn't a statement either.

"I don't know! But these walls would look a bit silly." Finally you guys agreed.

"I knew I was right! I'm always right! Ha! Spencer Reid was wrong and I was right, you were wrong and I was right! You were wrong and I was right! Haha!" You jumped around and went back to your desk.

"Y/n, Spencer. In my office. Now." Hotch ordered.

You and Spencer followed him into the office and sat down after he closed the door.

"I need you guys to go undercover. You guys have to be a couple. That means hugging, holding hands, maybe even a kiss if your willing. Now I can't force you to do this, but if you don't a lot of people could die."

You thought for a second.

"What do we wear?" You smiled.

"Hey baby, let's go sit at the bar." Spencer's acting was actually really good.

You interlocked your fingers with his as you walked with him to the bar.

Spencer told the bar tender what was going on. Then ordered 2 shots. Of water.

After the fake shots you grabbed his hand.

"Your so amazing baby. I've never felt this way about anyone." Spencer spoke.

His voice sounded genuine as if he was actually speaking to you not just acting.

Ok. That was weird

You cupped your hands around his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. The second your lips collided was the second you realized he wasn't acting and neither were you. The kiss was real. Full of care and love.

After the kiss you had to play your part again, "Hey baby, I'm really craving shrimp. Can we get so-" then you seen him, "Spencer! 12 o'clock!" You screamed as you pointed your gun at the man holding a gun to another women's head.

Spencer aimed at the man too. But he was too late.


The lights were shining in your eyes and everything went silent. Then it was dark.

Every now and again you would hear someone screaming your name, or just screaming.

You heard Spencer's voice, "I'm so sorry y/n, please wake up."

"What? I am awake. Spencer I'm right here my eyes just aren't open."

"I'm sorry for our stupid fights. I'm sorry for not covering you well enough. I'm so so sorry." He kept apologizing.

"Spencer I'm right here! Can't you hear me?"

No response.

"Y/n I need you. This team won't function correctly without you."

"Spencer? Why can't you hear me! Why can't I see you?"

"Oh god," Spencer yelled, "I need a doctor now!"

2 doctors ran into the room.

"Nick get him out of here." Doctor no. 1 told the second doc.

"What? No I need to be with her! I need her!" Spencer fought back.

Eventually he was outside the door waiting as you were seizing.

After 3 minutes they got you to calm down. Spencer was allowed back in. Then more apologizing.

Spencer head was on the mattress and he was holding your hand. You could tell by the sound of his voice he was crying even though you couldn't see him. Then Morgan walked in.

Spencer didn't notice because he was to busy apologizing.

"I'm so sorry y/n it's my fault. You shouldn't be here. I'm so sorry. I need you." He took a shaky breath, "I can't live without you. I know we fight and bicker but I honestly only argue back because I love talking to you. I love being around you. I love everything about you. I love the way you smile when you win a  an argument, I love the way you dance around when I'm wrong, I love the way you close your eyes and smile after you take a sip of coffee, everything. I need you y/n," at this point he was sobbing.

"What? Thank you Spencer but why are you telling me this? And why won't you respond! Spencer answer me!"

"Kid?" Morgan stood in the doorway distraught, "is there something you wanna confess?"

Spencer looked up at dere, tears running down his face, "I can't live without her Morgan. I won't. She got shot because I didn't cover her well enough. She's not waking up because of me Morgan. She shouldn't even be breathing right now! Because of me."

Reid found it difficult to catch his breath.

Morgan rushed over to him, "cmon now kid it wasn't your fault. You were fast, the man was just faster. Take a breath, I'll do it with you."

They both took a deep breath.

Spencer was on the verge of a panic attack.

"I still feel horrible. There has to be something I could have done."

Morgan sighed.

"How long have you been in love with her Reid?"

Your eyes slowly started to open.

"The first week she joined the BAU. I realized how smart and kind she could be. Even though we fight they aren't always intentional. I usually start the fights just so I can look at her smile when she says she's right. Morgan she's so perfect. How could I not love her?"


"You love me..?"

Fight for your fairytale  (Spencer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now