17. Blood, sweat, love

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- time skip-

It's the Friday before Christmas and you had a case. A nasty ass case. Of course killers couldn't wait 5 more days to get off. You guys had been working on this case for 3 days already, and sleeping with JJ was not easy. She moves in her sleep. As much as you love her, you want to bash her head into a brick wall when she wakes you up.

"No because this is actually fucking disgusting." You said as you looked at the torn up body, "who the fuck starves, molests, then mutilates 14 year old girls and gets a kick out of it?"

Garcia faked a gag over the phone, "someone that's in serious need of therapy."

"They need everyone and their grammas help what the fuck. These are literally children." You groaned looking at all the other bodies.

"I will never understand what goes on in these sickos heads." You heard Garcia say as she made a shivering noise.

"For real- I mean this was someone's child and he just took that awa- oh my lord... I'll call you back!" You hung up the phone and  ran to the black FBI car.

As fast as you could you added everyone including Garcia into a group call.

"Hey y/n did you find anything at the morgue?" Hotch pryed hopping you did.

"I think that a man with daughters did this! There are 15 dead bodies, all of them have come in a group of 3. One has blonde hair and green eyes, one has light brown hair and hazel eyes, and the last one has her hair bleached to a platinum blonde color with green eyes, every time. I think this unsub lost his daughters and just wants them back. You spoke quickly trying not to wreck the car.

"Why would he be killing them if he misses them? Wouldn't it make more sense to kidnap them and keep them as his own?" Morgan put in.

Emily spoke up, "wait 2 of the girls in each set has blonde hair and green eyes, why does one have brown hair and hazel eyes?"

"Blonde hair is a recessive trait along with green eyes meaning both parents would have to carry the green eye and blonde hair gene, while it isn't impossible it's unlikely for the other girl to be his daughter and back onto the first part, maybe he's trying to save them. Statistically, at age 11 girls start to get into boys- well straight girls anyway, then tend to forget about being 'daddy's little girl' Maybe this dad was just trying too fill his role as their hero. It's rare but some fathers even go as far to put their daughters in harm just so they stay think that daddy will always be there to rescue them," Spencer corrected, "I agree with y/n this is definitely a father just trying to fill the role of his daughters hero."

"Ok but your forgetting that he molests them," JJ entered the conversation.

Rossi spoke "Maybe he was also just a sex offender?"

"We still have time, Garcia search for recent accidents resulting in 3 girls dying," hotch started.

"Ok I've got 12 incidents in the past year."

Then Emily started, "cross reference that with men that were found trying to save the girls."

"2 incidents."

"Garcia do either of those incidents state that only 2 of the children were the mans?"

"Ummmm yes. Parker Rollens got into an accident, their car had collided with a bus. his two daughters, Rosalie Rollens and Rosalyn Rollens, along with their mutual best friend Jorden Hale had died. They were all found with there bodies tore up and the father was trying to resuscitate- oh that's weird.."

"What is it Garcia?" Emily pressed.

"He was only trying to save Jorden."

There was a short pause of silence.

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