Coffee Jelly.

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      Walking out of the store, you carry a rather hefty bag in your hand, containing several of your "boyfriend's" favorite dessert. He wasn't really your boyfriend, as you knew he wasn't comfortable with dating. But, he did tell you he didn't mind if you thought of him in that way, and you could call him that. As long as you promised that you wouldn't let it slip in front of other people. You readily agreed, and he knew that you would uphold your promise. 

     You make your way to his house, knocking on the door as you approach. You tried to keep your thoughts empty, so as to not spoil the surprise for him. You were one of the few who knew he was a psychic. Once he told you, you told him that it didn't matter to you and that you wouldn't treat him any different, and he seemed happy that you didn't mind. That was part of the reason he trusted you so much. You hear footsteps coming up to the door and see Kurumi Saiki, Kusuo's mother, open the door. Once she sees who it is, she happily welcomes you inside.

     "Oh, come in (Y/N)! Ku-Ku is in his room right now, you can go up and see him." She says, motioning to the upstairs stairway. You nod.

     "Thank you, Mrs. Kurumi." You say, politely, with a bow. She bows back, and steps out of your way to allow you to go upstairs. You walk up the stairs, and make your way to Kusuo's room. You knock on the door, though you knew he probably already knew you were here. You hear a telekinetic message in your head.

     "Come in." 

     You open the door and walk in, being sure to hide the bag behind your back and still trying to keep your thoughts empty. You shut the door behind you. Kusuo is at his desk, and he turns his chair to face you. His eyes immediately go to your arms, trying to analyze what you have in the bag. Before he can do so, you attempt to stop him.

     "Ah, ah, ah! No x-ray vision! This is supposed to be a surprise!" You chide. He sighs softly, and leans back in his chair. He holds out his hand expectantly. 

     "Give it here, then." He says, telepathically. You shake your head.

     "No, let me tell you why I got it for you!" You say, pouting. He lets out another, more impatient sigh, propping his head up on his hand, placing his arm on his chair's armrest.

     "Go ahead..." He says, sounding very annoyed by your secrecy. He didn't usually experience any type of secrecy from anyone, since he could read minds and whatnot. But, you had discovered a way, through all your time with him, how to conceal your thoughts from him. Of course, he could pry them away from you any time he wanted, but he respected your wishes of keeping your thoughts secretive when you did keep them from him. Usually, the pay-off was big, like a gift, which was what this was. 

      You clear your throat, preparing to announce your reasoning for getting him this gift. 

     "I know exams are coming up soon, and I wanted to get you something nice so you don't stress out about them too much." You begin. Kusuo nods, waiting for something more. "I know you don't experience much stress about the exams much, but I know you always strive to be average. And oddly enough, from what you described to me, that in itself can be really stressful. So, I got you this." 

     You hold out the bag to him, and he leans in and takes it, sitting back in his chair. He opens the bag, and you see his face light up. He pulls one coffee jelly container out of the bag, examining it happily. It's the exact brand that he loves, and you knew this. You got him as many as they had stocked, which was about 15. He looks up at you, beaming. He doesn't smile often, but when he does... It's a nice change of pace from his usual doom and gloom. 

     You see him inhale and, for once, see and hear him speak without telekinesis. 

     "I don't say this to anyone very often, but I love you." 

      You can't help but blush at this, your feelings for him still quite fresh in your mind. You look away shyly.

     "Y-Yeah, cool." You say, unsure if it's appropriate to say you loved him back. You still wanted to ensure that he's comfortable, above all, in your (sort of) relationship. He moves his hand upward, summoning a spoon from the drawer. He opens up his coffee jelly, taking an eager spoonful out of it and shoving it into his mouth. He chews slowly, savoring it like he always does. 

     "Is it good?" You ask. He nods, happily. "I'm glad, hehe." You say, smiling at his pleased expression, and sitting down at the side of his bed. He turns his chair to face you again, taking a spoonful of coffee jelly and presenting it to you. You look up at him, curiously. Was he really offering you a bite of his coffee jelly? 

      "Wh- Are you... Offering some to me?" You ask, tentatively. He nods. You shake your head in response. "N-Nahh, this is your treat. You enjoy it." You say, looking away nervously. He rolls his eyes. 

      "Just eat it, its not often that I share coffee jelly." He says, annoyed. You look back at him, and shrug. You lean forward, accepting the bite of coffee jelly that he offered you. He pulls the spoon away once you get the bite. As you chew, it's exactly as Kusuo describes it. A mature, dignified treat. Honestly, you completely understood his love for this stuff. It's addicting. 

     Together, the two of you positively demolished every single coffee jelly, causing you to become completely wired from it. Kusuo was completely fine, of course, but you ended up with a stomach ache. By the end though, you were cracking jokes and passing witty one-liners back and forth about the experience.

      "(Y/N)." He begins. You look up at him, inquisitively. He avoids eye contact, continuing to speak. "Thank you for bringing me this. I don't think I ever properly thanked you." 

     You give him a bright smile. "Of course, Kusuo."

That's the end! Had inspiration for this after seeing that one Aro/Ace icon video about Saiki K on YouTube, and there was one scene where Chisato spills his coffee jelly and gets him another one, and he says, "Are you a god??" and I thought it would be funny if he had an interaction like this with someone who wasn't a bother to him, like you, the reader!

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