Ring of fire

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"A lot of times, we are angry at other people for not doing what, we should have done to others" - Rupi kaur

Introducing Evi's father :)!

I look him dead in the eyes, the icy cold glare staring back, anger flooding though my body as i try to keep myself from going up and bitch slapping him

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I look him dead in the eyes, the icy cold glare staring back, anger flooding though my body as i try to keep myself from going up and bitch slapping him. "Ah! Evilin, you were escorted here... perfect" he says in his fake cheery voice, Skylar looks at me in confusion not understanding who that person is, "whos that?" she mumbles, "A man called my father" i grumble. She nods, understanding the situation. 

He continues, "as you are here, you all must be very confused... well here at this facility, our goal is to perfect cyro freezing. cyro-freezing is simply a small freezer but big enough to hold a human body, the freezing will preserve your age and health for many years. he continues clearing his throat "we have brought you here to preserve the young human gene, we had hired specialists to look into your profiles for testing. 

as he continues he gestures to the freezers,  "there is no way in hell im gonna go into that thing, you know what it did to mum "I say obviously pissed off.  "we've revised it Evi, its been years... are you still holding a grudge?" I'm speechless, sensing my bafflement, he says "anyways if you would all be so kind to put on this suit provided and sit into the pods, our scientists will hook you up to the CPU" he says walking out of the room. 

as we walk to the pods and stepped in them a sudden rush of cold reddened my cheeks, "holy shit this is cold!" one of the guys say shrieking, i chuckle as one of the scientists hook up a wire to my forehead and hand. "can you tell my friend with the red curly hair good luck?" "sure" i nod as she closes the door engulfing me in the freezing cold. gas starts to go into the freezer making me sleepy as my eyes droop, as i mumble my favorite song. burning ring of fire, guiding me to my endless sleep. 

                                                                              Time Skip 500 Years

Breathing, that's all I hear..

A male voice? 

screaming... nothing...

I try to pry my eyes open, as i do an automated voice says "pod user 7 has awoken, have a nice day!" the door opens, and as i was just about to get out i was faced with a familiar face. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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