Chapter 3- The Foundation

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The first night we don't sleep until later into the night. Just so we can get to know each other, but Sakusa seems less talkative. So was I; I really can't judge. Tendou was talking about his pet raccoon while Bokuto was talking about his rat again. I had joined in  to talk about my dead pet cat. I didn't explain how it died or why, all they need to know is that it's dead.

"Good night"
Sakusa had retired for the night.

I had decided to draw flowers to calm me down before going to bed. Bokuto was talking to himself through his stuffed animals, and Tendou was reading a manga he had recently picked up. The incoherent thoughts coming from Bokuto, and the pages flipping from Tendou made me start to get drowsy. My body had started to slow, so I decided to put up my sketchbook and went to bed.

I was the first person up; I went to get lightly dressed for a jog to start my day. On my walk I found many odd trinkets that I'd pick up. I enjoy picking up litter from the ground, and I get the addition of getting things to work with. When I returned to the dorm the others had awoken. I put my trinkets in a small bag as safe keeping. Afterwards I take a shower, get dressed, then go to the cafeteria. 

I wish I could live in a world of wonders, and be my own person. Make my life and pave it for those of the future. The pattern of my schedule makes me seem professional and productive, though I can barely keep to the same project for a day, let alone months.
Bokuto came down first he was as energetic as always, then Tendou, he seemed tired. He must have had nightmares again. Sakusa came down last. It seemed that he had already taken a shower and other hygienic tasks. 

"Warm ups will start in an hour, be ready by then!"
The announcement was more of a way to wake up those who haven't awoken yet.

I wonder how Sakusa Kyoomi plays? 

What's his skill level?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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