Life Changing Moments

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Tora's phone rang and she checked the caller ID and saw it was Izuku's mother. She excused herself from the group, Izuku following right behind her. After her brief phone conversation, Tora hung up and turned to Izuku.

"That was your mom. She and I were really worried about you after you had been gone for a considerable amount of time. You can tell me what happened on the flight home." Tora said to Izuku who looked at her with confusion.

"Flight home?" Izuku said in a puzzled tone as he tilted his head to the side. Tora shifted into the anthro eagle form she arrived in. She gently but firmly grabbed him by the waist in her talons, spread her large wings and took off to the sky. Izuku shrieked from the exhilarating lift off but then calmed down once they were gently gliding through the air. He was still surprisingly light. But then again, eagles were very strong for their size. He felt heavier to her in this form than he did when she carried him on her back as a full body Bengal tiger, but that was a given. As they were flying, Izuku told Tora exactly what happened that made him take so long. He did manage to find his notebook. It was in the koi fish pond outside the school. Fortunately, it wasn't completely destroyed, just a bit wet and battered up. Long story short, after he found his notebook, he was attacked by a slime monster, saved by All Might, hitched a terrifying ride by grabbing onto his leg as he took off, talked with the hero he looked up to about his life story and dream/ultimate goal, then came across that same slime villain who captured him earlier with Bakugo in his grasp which he instinctively rushed in to save. Which was right where Tora came in.

"Wow, that's quite an adventurous side quest from your initial mission. I can't believe you met and spoke with All Might though! That's so cool!" Tora said enthusiastically as she suddenly did a loopty-loop in the air out of excitement. Which scared the living daylights out of Izuku, causing his life to flash before his eyes for the second time today. The first time was when All Might took off with him dangling from his leg, hanging on for dear life. After Izuku's heart rate settled down from the brief adrenaline rush, he sighed in disappointment and sulked. Tora felt his weight shift as it became more draggy. She was concerned about him because being quirkless hadn't depressed him since he was little when he first found out about it. Actually, it had the opposite affect. It further motivated him to reach towards his lifetime goal to become a pro hero. Even all the bullying that Bakugo and his friends dished out didn't deter him. And the same went for Tora. She had been quirkless until today. Their apartment building was now in sight off in the distance. Tora, being an anthro eagle spotted it way before he did. They landed on the sidewalk a block away from their homes and Tora transformed back into her base human form. She didn't land in front of the complex because she wanted to ask Izuku what was wrong because she could tell something wasn't quite right with his mentality. Just then, Bakugo came barging towards Tora and Izuku, but kept some distance between them when he stopped. Probably because Tora was right there. He started rambling about how he would've been fine on his own and didn't need Izuku's help because he's a quirkless failure and blah, blah, blah. Tora was starting to get annoyed and flashed Bakugo a death glare.

"I don't owe you anything!" Bakugo ended his rant a bit early, turning around and started walking away before he said anything else that might piss Tora off again.

"What was that?" Izuku asked out loud.

"That was Katsu ranting like an idiot about what just happened earlier, then stopping himself from saying more because I gave him a death glare." Tora explained to Izuku as they started walking towards their apartments again. Something was clearly on his mind because he didn't respond. And the way he was carrying himself showed that it wasn't a positive thought.

"Izuku, I can tell something is bothering you. Would you be willing to tell me what it is that you're thinking about? You don't have to if you don't want to, of course. But it might be a good idea to get it off your chest. Plus I'm your best friend, so you can tell me anything. Please Izuku? Maybe I can help you." Tora said as she looked pleadingly into her best friend's eyes. He realized there wasn't really any reason to hide this from Tora. Besides, she's known him since they were both toddlers. She knew all of his struggles when it came to him achieving his dreams. Actually, up until today, she shared both his dreams and his struggles. Now she just shared his dreams. But that didn't matter. She told him when they were both four years old that she'd never leave him behind, even when she got her quirk. Izuku sighed as he prepared to tell his best friend what had been troubling him so much.

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