The Day After

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After Tora and Izuku went their separate ways for the night, Tora got her pajamas on and climbed into bed. She couldn't sleep, however, and decided to text Izuku to see if he was still up.

Tora: Hey, are you still up?

It didn't take long at all for Izuku to respond to her text.

Izuku: Yeah. Can't sleep either?

Tora: Nope!

Izuku: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

Tora: Not in particular. Just gonna go out for a run in the morning and that's it really. I didn't really make any other plans. Why? Did you want to join me?

Izuku: Sure! But I also wanted to ask you something.

Tora: What is it?

Izuku: Do you want to go out with me tomorrow? You know, on another date?

Tora: I'd love to! Where should we go for our date?

Izuku: I'm not quite sure. I didn't really think that far ahead. I just wanted to spend time with you tomorrow.

Tora: How about the park? We could take a relaxing walk and get something to eat at one of the food stands there if we get hungry.

Izuku: That sounds like a great idea! Okay we'll plan on that tomorrow. I can't wait!

Tora: Me neither! Great, how am I going to fall asleep now?

Izuku: Sorry.

Tora and Izuku texted each other for hours until they both drifted off to sleep from exhaustion. Morning came and Tora and Izuku woke up early to go on a run together. Then they returned to their apartments to take a shower and change into more suitable clothes for their park date. Tora put on a black see-through turtleneck sheer top underneath a tight low white v-neck tank top and a short black pencil skirt. Before she left, she grabbed her purse and turquoise track jacket with the broad white stripe around the chest and arms. Right as she was about to leave, there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find Izuku standing there. He was wearing a plain gray blazer, white collared shirt and dark teal pants. His outfit looked similar to his U.A. High uniform without the necktie. When Izuku saw Tora, he blushed.

'Wow Tora looks really cute in that outfit. It's pretty sexy too. The sheer top underneath her tight low v-neck with that short pencil skirt really brings out her curves. And that track jacket on top gives her outfit a more casual air to it.' Izuku thought to himself as he continued to stare at Tora, his eyes roaming her body. She flashed him a smirk.

"Like what you see?" Tora asked Izuku in a playful tone with a hint of seductiveness.

"Y-yes, very much. Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it's just your outfit looks amazing on you. It's both cute and sexy." Izuku said honestly which made Tora blush.

"You think so?" Tora said as she pivoted her body out of flattery. Izuku took her hands in his and gave her a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I do." Izuku said, lovingly pressing his forehead against hers. He then pulled away and tugged at her hand.

"Come on, Let's go Tora." Izuku said as Tora nodded in agreement. They began their walk to the park together. Once they got there, they walked around talking and enjoying the scenery together while holding hands most the time. Suddenly a soccer ball came flying at them. Tora lept into the air and did a front flip, kicking the soccer ball back to where it came from. Two boys and two girls came running to them from the open field in the park, one of the boys was holding the soccer ball.

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