Chapter 14

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Diyana was doing a fairly good job at avoiding Taehyung. Not that it was hard really, since Taehyung hasn't shown up at the café anymore. Diyana was slightly worried but too relieved to dwell on it for long. She had spotted Taehyung lingering around the apartment complex, or in the hallway of their homes. He would call out to her, but she just pretended not to notice. So far, so good. Also, with the crackhead now intruding on her personal space, she had distraction enough.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was getting annoyed. Diyana was avoiding him for whatever reason. He didn't want to pressure her, but his self-restraint was hanging on a thin thread. He will try it one more time respectfully. One more time. If she still pretends that he is nothing more than dust in the air, he will step up his game.

Which is exactly what happened.

He tried approaching her for the last time when she was opening the door to her apartment, but she just quickly slipped inside and slammed the door shut.

That's it.

Taehyung was not happy. At all.

And his patience was gone.

Which led to him going to visit the café the next day. Yes, he was still mad at Jin and the others, and they haven't talked at all. Also, the reason why he hasn't been to the café anymore. But this was the only way to kind of corner Diyana. He will probably feel bad afterward, but he was getting desperate.

People on the streets stayed clear of Taehyung. And about a 5-meter radius of his personal space. Taehyung's cold eyes were fixed ahead of him, his aura giving off that he was pissed. People shuddered and scurried far away once they noticed the male walking down the road towards the café.

The bell dinged, signaling his arrival into the warm and comfortable atmosphere. His eyes quickly scanned the busy café, not spotting Diyana anywhere. Which means she must be on break.


He walked to the backroom, ignoring Jin's shocked face at his presence. The backroom was closed. Not that Taehyung cared. He opened it, walking right in and closing the door behind him, locking it. He stood in front of the door, biceps bulging when he crosses his inked arms over his chest, staring at the girl who stood like a deer caught in headlights in front of her locker down.

Diyana heaved out a sigh, being happy that she could finally enjoy her break. It was packed today, without a proper reason really. Opening up her locker, she fished for the water bottle in her bag. She took greedy gulps, practically finishing the bottle in one go. Letting out a content hum, she put the bottle back, pulling the cap from her head. Just when she was about to close the locker, she heard the door open. Diyana snapped her head to the right with wide eyes, cap clutched to her chest. A shiver went down her spine.

Taehyung was here.

That was already not ideal with the situation at hand, that she was trying to handle herself. What didn't help were the piercing eyes staring straight into her soul. Diyana blinked. Once. Twice. Swallowing thickly, she tried to break the tension. "Hi?" She lowered her head immediately after.

Taehyung was definitely not amused.

His stance was intimidating. Taehyungs jeans were hugging his thighs tightly, belt accentuating his thin waist. His arms were practically bulging from where they were crossed over his chest, ink free for the eyes to see. His gaze was so dominant, never leaving hers. Diyana felt her knees almost give out.

'Fuck he is so hot.'

"You have been avoiding me." The deep voice sounded even deeper now. Diyana shuffled uncomfortably beneath the now practically black orbs. "Tell me why. And I do hope you have a good explanation."

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