| how you first met |

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You had first met Grayson when collaborating with him and Ethan on a vine. You were best friends with Jake and Logan Paul, who also happened to be best friends with the Dolan's. You where known as a kick butt dancer on Vine, and had up too about 3.5 million followers. You and the boys decided you where going to do a vine called, "Dance Battle Expectations vs. Reality"

 You thought it was hilarious, the whole idea of it. It was going to start out with you, Logan, and Jake dancing. You planned on slowing it down so it made it more dramatic. Than the Dolan's were doing all these backflips off the wall. Then it showed you and the boys acting all crazy, bumping into each other and making fart noises. 

   Once you had finished making the vine, you all did dares. Everyone was daring you too do a backflip off the hand. You had never done that before, you were all about dancing..not gymnastics..or tricks. You COULD do that stuff, with the shape you were in..but it really freaked you out. Tumbling made you nervous. You always got mind blocked, and couldn't push yourself to do it. 

The twins were begging you too at least try. You eventually rolled your eyes, and agreed to it. 

"Anyone wanna do the honors, and help me push off?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.

  Grayson immediately stepped in and held out his hands. You gave him a smile and placed your hands on his shoulders, stepping one foot in his clasped hands.. You tried to ignore the fact that he was shirtless, as were the rest of the guys. (It was a part of the vine) You were eye level with him, and he could tell you were nervous. This was the first time you actually had spoken to one of the twins. It was basically, you hanging out with Logan & Jake..and the twins kinda off too the side. 

"Trust me?" He whispered

 You nodded, heat creeping up in your cheeks. He noticed, and smirked.

"On my count." He said


You pushed up off his shoulders and flung your self up into the air. You curled into a ball, then straightened out like a pencil. You landed perfectly on your feet. You flung your arms into the air and screamed.


The boys went crazy and attacked you in a group hug. You could tell they were over-reacting to be funny. Ethan and Grayson went to different sides of you, and kissed you on the cheek, while Logan took a picture for Instagram. You felt butterflies in your stomach, knowing Grayson was kissing you. You didn't know which one was him, considering the fact that they were both shirtless and wearing jeans. But you didn't have to guess when one of them whispered in your ear,

"Wanna go get lunch after this. Just you and me?"

Dolan Twin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now