| kissing the wrong twin |

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 You were making pop-tarts for the twins, while they were still half asleep, at the kitchen table. They were wearing those cute little matching pajamas bottoms, that their Mom had gotten them for christmas last year. You dropped the pop-tarts in the toaster and waited patiently, leaning against the counter in your shorts and tank top. You shivered, as a wave of cool air washed over you. Ethan (or so you thought) slugged into the kitchen, his eyes struggling to stay open. He was out of it, considering he's not use to waking up this early in the morning.

"Hey" He slurred, walking towards the fridge

 You smiled, and wrapped your arms around his waist. He didn't make any move to hug you back. He tried to keep walking towards the fridge, but you hugged him in place.

"What's the rush?" You said giggling

  He gave you a blank, sleepy stare, and rubbed is eyes. He let out a big yawn, and pushed you off of him. You stood there laughing, thinking he was playing with you. You leaned up on your tip-toes and kissed him right on the lips. That really woke him up.

"What the hell was that for?" He said a little too loudly.

 It was like a smack in the face. What was up with him?

"Ethan, w-what's wron-"

"Oh..." he said softly

 "I'm Grayson..."

Your mouth fell open, and you backed away from him slowly. Just as you were about to say something, Ethan walked in the room and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"What's going on in here?" He asked, kissing your neck softly

You and Grayson both looked at each other and answered almost instantly,

"Nothing" You both said at the same time

Ethan looked between the two of you suspiciously, and shook his head. 

"I need more sleep" He said "You wanna join me?"

  You nodded your head eagerly. Anything to get out of this awkward situation. You took his hand and followed him upstairs to his room. But not before looking back, and seeing Grayson laughing softly, leaned against the counter, eating a pop-tart.

 'Lips Locked' You mouthed at him

He winked, and "zipped" his mouth closed in response.

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