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"Mami, says you bring bad luck."

I looked away, heart already pounding against my chest. I knew where this was going, where it always seemed to lead. I wanted to run, hide away from his gaze.
"I-im sorry."

I heard him let out a  hum, taking a step closer towards me. "Why? – I think it's cool!"

I stopped, his words sinking in. I glanced back at him, wondering if what I heard was correct. He flashed me a smile, wide and full of excitement, a strange glint in his eyes – no one had ever looked at me like that before.

He extended his hand – "want to be friends?"


Even from here the music reaches my ears, the roaring cheers of the crowd. I can't stop the smile that makes it to my lips, nor the tears that streamed down my face. I buried my head, hugging my knees tighter.

I should be happy, I am happy.  I try to tell myself. Antonio got his gift – the miracle is stable once again. His face appeared in the  back of my mind; the sadness it had held  when I said I couldn't be there. It tore at me to keep the blame to myself, I couldn't let him know his own grandmother had personally visited me to ask that I not come.

"It's a special day, hija." Her voice began to repeat in my ears. The weariness she had was clear as day. "After the last gift ceremony, we can't risk anything going wrong this time around. . . I'm sure you understand where I'm going here."

I understood why they didn't want me there – still, it didn't take away that stinging feeling I had.

I hear the leaves crunching, I stiffened, with hesitance I slowly lift my head up, my eyes quickly meeting familiar ones. The two of us stared at each other for a moment, I was the first to look away, wiping my tears off with my sleeves – I hated him seeing me like this, it makes me look pathetic, maybe even more than usual.

From the corner of my eye, I see him take a knee right in front of me, and soon enough, I feel his fingers on my cheek, making me look up towards him. He gave me a smile, tilting his head to the side, his hand dropping back to his side, but the warmth of his touch remained.

He pushed himself off the ground and stood up, extending his hand to me. "Let's go."

I stared at his open hand, before looking down. "I - I can't." I said. "Senora Alma said–"

"Screw what she says." Carlos said with a sigh, I could almost hear his eyes rolling as he did. "It's Antonio's day, not hers. He wants you there – then that's all that matters."

I managed a laugh, and a small smile, eyes looking back at him. If only things were that simple. "No, I can't. . . I'll, I'll be sure to make it up to him next time."

He raised an eyebrow. "You know, I'm gonna get you in the house, sooner or later, and I'm not against carrying you in if that's what you're thinking." Carlos laughed.

I smiled, nervously I took his hand, as he helped me up to my feet. He doesn't let go, fingers interlacing with mine. I look at him, trying to contain my ever growing nerves. " – do you really think it's okay for me to go in? What if something bad happens?" I don't know why I am asking this question, maybe I'm just asking for reassurance that no matter what happens; Carlos would want me.

He hummed. "If you're worried about what others will think; don't." He takes my hand, gently placing it against his cheek. "-- nobody else matters, just you and me, no one else."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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