yuwin一forgive me

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yuta x winwin

winwin and yuta were having a argument

it was last at night

"go, just fucking leave" winwin shouted at him

yuta started at his lover for a few seconds,clenching his jaw

"Fine" he muttered,he grabbed his coat walked out of thier shared bedroom and slammed the door shut

once yuta left,he turned off the room lights and crawled into thier bed and he cried himself to sleep

after a few hours,winwin randomly woke up, he checked his phone

3:45 am

standing up he went downstairs to grab some water

as he walked down he noticed yuta sleeping in an very uncomfortable position on the small couch

guilt seethed him

he looked away and went in the kitchen
and when he looked on the counter he saw a beautiful bouquet with a heart chocolate shaped chocolate box

there was a little not beside it

he picked it up and opened it

forgive me?:(



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