Chapter Twenty One

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"My babies" Sydney called out as Bea and Clark ran into the main bedroom and flung themselves at the king size bed. Amber came up behind them and pulled Bea up onto the covers, where she was struggling to climb on.

Amber stood and felt a wave of calm wash over her, Sydney's arms wrapped around their babies. "Clark careful on that side of Momma it's where she has her boo boo" Amber reminded her. She had tried to explain to the girls all the way home that Momma had a few boo boos from a little accident and how they might be gentle with her for a little while. Clark had a million question as usual.

Clark lifted up Sydney's loose fitting grey T-shirt and revealed some deep bruising and stitches. "Oh Momma you are purple" Clark gasped and Bea peaked her big green eyes around to see "like a blueberry" she observes.

Sydney laughed and kissed Beas temple " so how was daddy's" she asks and Clark dramatically rolls her eyes "boring" she said deflating onto the sheets beside her like she had fainted. "How so" Sydney asked and Clark sat bolt upright like a scene from the exorcist "Meg wasn't there and daddy was on his phone all the time... he wouldn't play" she said annoyed and not taking a breath.

Sydney smoothed Clark's fair hair upon her brow and looked to Amber who was stood at the end of the bed watching. She looked at Amber questionably "where is Meg" she asked and Amber came and sat beside them "apparently" she began doing air quotes so Clark wouldn't catch on "she's visiting her mom" she revealed and Sydney's brow furrowed "she never mentioned that to me" she said thinking about it.

"Okay girls" Amber said "how about you guys pick out a movie and we will all cuddle up in bed with popcorn" she suggested excitedly and Clark and Bea sprung from the bed, Sydney winced at the movement.

"Any movie" Clark asked.

"Any movie... even the annoying ones" Amber offered and Clark knew exactly what she meant and smiled wickedly.

"But Bea has to want to watch it too okay" Sydney reminded her.

Clark pouted "momma she's not even three she doesn't know what she's even talking about"

"Clarky girl practice kindness please" Amber suggested and she watched them jump down and head to the family room where the movies were kept. Amber liked old school dvds and wouldn't buy into the streaming yet for them.

"I hope they don't fight over it" Sydney says as Amber reaches down and kisses her lips. "How are Jan and Benjamin" Amber asks. "I literally came in and they loved on the girls for a few minutes and said they had to get back to Drew. Apparently she's in a bad way and wants to come over but Detective Rosslyn wasn't keen on that idea just yet" Amber reveals.

"I'm happy to have her... in fact invite her over tonight HB I do not want her to think I doubt her...because I love her... and no part of me thinks she attempted to kill me for gods sake"

"I will. Rachel's coming too" I reveal.

Sydney smiles "good"... "I want to see them" she adds "I want some normalcy for five minutes"

Amber raises her eyebrows and Sydney observes her "what" she asks her.

"I'm not sure Rachel setting up her own private detective agency in our play room is normal but it's good to have our people around us for sure"

"What is she up to" Sydney asks curiously.

Amber pulls out her cell phone and flicks though the photos until she lands on the one of the chart on the chalkboard. "Dear god" Sydney says quietly as she examines it closely "well we can rule out this lady" Sydney says pointing at her hair dressers name.
"Why" Amber asks and Sydney looks up from the phone " she is in Europe with her husband on a retirement trip" she reveals with a smile and Amber cocks an eyebrow "how can you be sure" she asks.
Sydney takes Ambers phone and puts her name into her social and the ladies profile pops up "she was live in Florence an hour ago" she said holding the screen up to show Amber. "I was unfortunate enough to watch some of it, she had no idea she had live on and we all watched her and her husband talk about their night of passion whilst simultaneously fighting over some great bread they got for free with their lunch"

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