Chapter Twenty Three

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"Amber Rose Beaton ... at my door... with her little lap dog" Marie observes snakily looking to Rachel.

"I begrudge that" Rachel retorts "I like to think of myself as her faithful German Shepard...poised to grab a bitch by the throat in two seconds flat"

Marie looks unamused and returned her gaze to Amber "did you get hotter .... Or is it just because I can't have you... " she mused "I guess we will never know... so what do I owe this visit... from you and your mongrel" she says and Amber has to hold out her hand to stop Rachel pouncing forward, she had steam coming from her nose. Amber knew not to let Marie bait her, she enjoyed it far too much.

"It's not a social call" Amber begins and Marie looks her up and down "so what is it... what could you possibly want from me after two years..."

Amber didn't know how to even start this conversation 'by the way... did you try and murder my wife' it wasn't a great conversation starter.
"Is this about Sydney being on the news tonight..." she asked eyes lifting, her cat like eye liner making everything she said seem like it was said with an intense predatory stare, always ready to pounce on what she was focusing on. "Because your detective Rosslyn was here last night" she reveals. "I'm not impressed Amber..." her lips curl into a sneer.
"You let someone almost wipe out your wife... twice" she adds vindictively.
"Marie they aren't linked" Amber retorts "and I didn't let anyone do anything... if they had to go through me... they wouldn't have survived the attempt in the first place.... They would be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean food. This person is a coward, they are weak and pathetic... they had to stab Sydney... they had to thrust a knife into her... just to get my attention..." Amber replied purposefully changing the details.

"Not linked" she muses and that throws Amber off.. why was that all she had picked up from what she had said... "Listen it wasn't me if that's what you are poking at... Amber I didn't even know about Sydney until after I met you... so get your lap dog to sit the fuck down and leave my building" she said grabbing the door and slamming it against Ambers boot that she had slipped in to stop her. Marie looked down "Amber" she threatened "If this is foreplay you have caught me at a bad time... I have a girl here..."

Amber looked at her and shook her head "what on earth did I see in you" she said under her breath and Marie's face changed for the first time, her features slipped, revealing her true emotions, that had hurt her. Then as if it never happened at all she placed back on her mask of indifference "Amber I'm not trying to kill your wife... just leave me alone and let me move on..." she begged and Amber removed her boot, allowing the door to swing shut with Marie's weight behind it.

Rachel turned to Amber "I can't believe you ever dated her" she said letting out a breath she had been holding in. "She's so.... mean" she added.

Amber gathered herself, her heart was still beating wildly against her chest. "She wasn't like that with me" she offered. "I guess I didn't see it... perhaps I didn't care back then it's not as if I was myself either" she offered and Rachel nodded. "Shit" Rachel cursed taking out the phone and remembering Sydney was listening "did you hear all that" she asked into the phone and then she listened and handed it to Amber "Syd" she says handing it to her. Amber puts the phone to her ear as they walk back down the hall "Are you okay" Sydney asked and Amber pressed the elevator button "I'm fine" she replied "At least that's the last time I will see her" she reveals and Sydney sighs "I'm sorry you had to see her again... I forgot how awful she was" Sydney replied in thought "I know..." Amber says letting out a breath "but it's not her Syd... she didn't even flinch when I said you were stabbed instead of shot... not a flicker"

"At least we can put her to one side... perhaps see how Rosslyn got on with her yesterday" Sydney asked and Amber nodded "good idea... I will call her tomorrow... right we will be home in a bit... I love you" Amber whispered stepping to to the elevator with Rachel.

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