Act 1: Scene 6

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"Way to go Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow" Mal complained. Jade stopped when heard the rustling again.

She stood by the bushes as a kitten came out. Jade smiled at the little creature. "Hi you're so cute" Jade said as a baby kitten walked in her hand.

It walked up her arm and on her shoulder before nuzzling it's head on her neck. Jade smiled. "What are you doing let's go" Jay said.

"Where are the others?" Jade asked. "They left us" Jay said as he helped her up. "Us?" Jade asked. "I waited to make sure you didn't get caught" Jay said.

"Thanks" Jade said. "No problem" Jay said. They were staring in each other's eyes before the kitten tried to talk.

Nothing but a weird noise came out. "Who's this?" Jay asked. "I haven't named her yet" Jade said as the kitten nuzzled into her neck again.

"Name her....princess" Jay said. "Princess?" Jade asked. "Its Auradon. Take it or leave it" Jay said. "I like the way you think" Jade said with a small smile.

Jay almost melted but caught himself. "Yeah, yeah, come on" Jay said trying to go back to his old attitude.

Jade smiled to herself.


"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asked the VKs.

Jade was playing around with Princess. She was using her finger to tickle her. "Evie" Fairy Godmother called.

Jay had his eyes glued on Jade. "What was the second one again?" Evie asked. Jade had laughed at Princess.

"Jade" Fairy Godmother said getting her attention. "Oh um...give it a bottle?" Jade said in a questioning tone.

"Correct" Fairy Godmother said. "How'd you do that?" Carlos asked. Jade turned around to him. "I just thought of the one I thought was torturing to myself" Jade said.

Carlos nodded. Jade smiled before turning back around. Suddenly a girl in blue walked in with papers in her hand.

She seemed intimidated by the others. "Oh hello dear one" Fairy Godmother said as the girl handed her something.

"You need to sign off for early dismissal for the coronation" The girl said. Jade recognized her as the girl that she saw when they first arrived.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane" Fairy Godmother introduced. Jade smirked. "Mom no" Jane protested.

"It's okay, Jane this is everyone" Fairy Godmother said as she handed the papers back to Jane. Jane turned to the VKs.

Jade gave her an evil wave that sent shivers down Jane's spine. "Don't mind you were" Jane said.

She started walking away but squeaked as she passed the VKs.

"Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" Fairy Godmother asked.

This time Jay, Carlos, and Evie raised their hands with excitement. Jay started putting Carlos' hand down.

"Jay" Fairy Godmother said. "C, turn it over to the proper authorities" Jay said. "I was gonna say that" Carlos whined.

"But you didn't come here!" Jay said as he put him in a headlock. "Boys!..Boys!" Fairy Godmother tried playing nice.

Jade snapped her finger and Princess bit Jay's finger. "Seriously?" Jay asked Jade. "Play fair...this time" Jade said.

"I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." Fairy Godmother suggested.

"N-no thanks, whatever that is, w-we'll pass" Carlos said while trying to catch his breath.


Jade and Princess had decided to watch the boys try out for tourney. "You came?" Jay asked. "I figured it'd be better than staying in the dorm" Jade said.

Jay smiled. "Well hate to leave you but I have to go show those girls the guns" Jay said while flexing.

"Yeah I bet the cheerleader are dying without watching Jay and his enormous muscles" Jade said sarcastically.

"They're already looking might as well give a show" Jay said. Jade rolled her eyes as Jay walked to the field.

Jade did indeed see some cheerleaders just drooling over Jay. As jealous as Jade got she couldn't do anything about it.

"Jay, Ben, offense. Chad, you're defense. Taylor, you're the shooter." The coach yelled to the boys on the field.

"I'm Taylor" A boy said walking up to her. "I'm Jade" Jade introduced herself. "Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy! Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone! Come on." Coach yelled.

"After practice maybe we could hang" Taylor flirted. Jade scoffed. "I'd rather hang myself" She said before going to sit in the bleacher.

Princess hissed at Taylor.

Jay yelled before attacking players. He was pushing them down as he got through the field. When he reached the tourney field he did flips and tricks as he got through the kill zone.

The cheerleaders gave loud cheers as Jade smiled. This was nothing new to her. She and Jay would steal together and be on the roof a lot to see the view of Auradon.

Jay took of his helmet and cheered before flipping. Jade laughed. "You! Get over here!" The coach yelled to Jay.

Jay looked around before walking over. Jade got anxious for him. "What do you call that?" The coach asked.

Jay thought he was in trouble and Jade sighed. "I call that raw talent. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book. Welcome to the team, son." The coach said.

Jay smiled and Jade smiled for him. "You ever thought about band?" Coach asked Carlos. Carlos and Jade rolled their eyes.

"I'll work with him coach" Ben said. "All right. Let's run that again." Coach said. Jay turned around and noticed Chad in front of him.

Jay hit his shoulder while walking past. He walked towards Jade. "Who was the guy?" He asked. "Just some a-hole asking me out, you did great out there by the way" Jade said.

"Thanks are you staying?" He asked. "Yeah until I'm done with homework" Jade said. Jay smiled. "See you later"

"Bye" Jade said.

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