Act 1: Scene 13

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Jade looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize herself at all. She wasn't the girl that first came to Auradon a week ago. She was happier now. She was friendlier now. She cared more now. But the worst part is...she feared her mother more than anything now.

There was a knock on the door. "Yes?" Jade called out. "Just me we're ready when you are" Jade heard Carlos. "I'm coming now" Jade called out.

She took one more glance in the mirror, Jade began to smile at herself in the mirror. Knowing this feeling would only last but for so long.

Jade opened the dorm room and walked out before shutting it. "I knew I did good. You look amazing J" Evie said. Jade smiled at her.

"You're actually wearing a dress for the first time in forever" Carlos said. Jade smiled a bit more as she looked down at herself. Evie winked at Carlos before motioning for them to move.

"We'll meet you guys at the front" Carlos said before him and Evie left. Jade looked up at Jay. "Wow, Jade" Jay let out a breath her didn't know he was holding. "You" Jay said astonished.

Jade smiled and blushed brightly. He walked over and placed his hands on her hips before leaning down to kiss her. Jade leaned up and their kips clashed together.

Jade wasn't even thinking about her mother, or the fact this was ending in less than an two hours. Jade was only thinking about how she felt. And boy, was she happy.

They pulled apart and looked at each other. "I um..wanted to ask you something...before we..leave" Jay stammered.

"What is it?" Jade asked. "Um..Jade will you..." "Oh my Hades Jay spit it out" Jade said getting impatient.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Please?" Jay asked. "Like seriously?" Jade asked. "Yes, seriously. I really like you Jade" Jay said before smiling.

Jade smiled brightly before hugging him. "Oh thank Hades I thought you'd never asked" Jade said before pulling away and punching his arm.

"Ow" "You took to long"


Jay, Jade, Evie, and Carlos stood at the top of the cathedral. The choir sung behind them and Jade felt her heart in her stomach.

The doors opened and Ben walked through. Some people were touched by this moment, others wanted to get it over with. If Jade wasn't stealing the wand she'd want to get it over with as well.

They all bowed as Ben passed. Fairy Godmother walked up and hugged Queen Belle before walking over to Adam. They both bowed before Fairy Godmother took of his crown.

Ben kneeled at the last step as Fairy Godmother placed the crown on his head. Adam pulled the case from over the wand. Mal glanced up at Evie and Jade who were losing their minds.

Mal looked back to the front as Belle handed Fairy Godmother the wand. Fairy Godmother walked in front of Ben.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother said.

"I do solemnly swear" Ben said. "Then it is my honor" Fairy Godmother placed the wand on Ben's right shoulder. "And my joy" She said before placing the wand on the left.

Fairy Godmother moved her hand up to rest before someone snatched the wand. The crowd gasped. A lightning was sent out of the wand leaving some people screaming.

"Child what are you doing?" Fairy Godmother yelled. "If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself" Jane said as she struggled with the wand.

Electricity was crackling from the wand as Jane struggled. "Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo!" Jane said. "Take cover!" Adam yelled. Mal began to struggle with Jane for the wand.

"Careful Mal" Belle called out. Mal ripped the wand out of Jane's hands. "Go, go" Jade said motioning her friends to move.

Jane looked at her nervously before running away into the crowd. "Mal" Ben said calmly as he got in front of his parents.

"Give me the wand" Ben said. "Stand back" Mal said before the others ran through the door. "It's okay" Ben I stand stand back!" Mal yelled.

"I told you so" Audrey said and Mal pointed the wand at her making her and others around Audrey scream in fear.

"Let's go" Carlos said. "Revenge time" Jay said in more of a mumble. "You really want to do this?" Ben asked. "We have no choice Ben. Our parents-"

"You're parents made their choice. Now you make yours" Ben said. Mal held contact with him as she was left in disbelief.

Jade shared a glance with Jay before they both focused on the scene in front of them. "I think I want to be good" Mal said. "You are good" Ben protested.

"How do you know that?" Mal said raising her voice. "Because...because I'm listening to my heart" Ben said. "I want to listen to my heart too" Mal said as she looked down.

She looked back up at Ben before lowering the wand and turning to her friends. "And my heart's telling me that we are not our parents. I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Being with Jade, playing tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." Mal said to Jay.

"Yeah!" A teammate said and Jade smiled a little at Jay. "And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" Mal said to Carlos. Carlos smiled.

"And Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal said. Evie nodded with a smile.

"And Jade" Mal said and Jade looked at her as some tears clouded her eyes. "You are so strong but you do not have to fight anymore. You're okay now" Mal said and Jade nodded with a tear falling down her eye.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school." Mal said. Jade smiled at her.

"And be with Ben" Mal said. Ben's head picked up at that. "Because Ben makes me really happy" Mal said as she turned around holding up her hand with Ben's ring.

Mal turned back to her friends. "Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." Mal said before putting her fist in.

Jade looked at Jay before thinking. She really did have a better life now that she was free from her mother. Nothing could go wrong.

"I choose good" Jade said before putting her fist next to Mal's. "I choose good too" Jay said. Jade smiled at him as Jay kissed her head.

"I choose good" Evie said following. "So just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" Carlos asked as the girls let out a small laugh.

"Your parents can't reach you here" Ben said."Okay then" Carlos said before putting his fist in. "Good" He said.

Mal motioned for Ben who walked over and put his fist in as well. Suddenly a green haze entered the cathedral causing people to gasp.

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