008: Sorting Ceremony

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Surprising your brothers is hard enough. Gaining a Crush is another.

Author is making the Wizarding World accepting about LGBTQ+

Fred didn't deserve to die, neither did Ace. I will keep saying it.

AKA Harry gets his first crush ever on Luffy. Draco is just a protective friend.


They all walked to the front of the Dining Hall, upperclass-men alike looking at them in curiosity, wonder, and even nostalgia. Probably remembering when they were in their positions.

One of the Upperclassmen was Ace D. Portgas, a Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, saw the large two doors to the Dining Hall open on their own. Professor Mcgonagall walked down the room leading the new batch of first years, some looked at the ceiling in awe, amazed and mezmerized by the beauty and design of the inside.

Ace smirked, 'That isn't all that...' "How does this thing work??" A muffled voice came from his circular communication mirror, not even bothering to pay attention to Dumbledor's speech, "Gah, I'll do it later." The muffled voice came again, the audio wasn't supposed to be muffled, maybe the one who was trying to contact him finally realized he got the wrong one?

Ace shoved the mirror back into his pocket when the twins eyed him.

"And when i call your name, you will come forth, i shall place the Sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." The Animagus witch unfolded the scroll and lifted the old hat on the chair.


Hermione Granger was sorted into Gryffindor.

Malfie was sorted into Slytherin, however, before he had walked over to the Slytherin table, Malfie turned to me and gave a sullen smile. I returned it with a grin, To show how him that it was fine. To show that i was proud.

A girl named Susan Bones was placed in Hufflepuff, quite ironic considering her name.

Ronald Weasely, the same boy who had indirectly insulted Malfie, was sorted into Gryffindor. Hey, wasn't his family always in Gryffindor?

"Harry Potter." By now, i was the one standing beside Harry. He had turned to me in shock, I could also tell his anxiety was sky rocketting. Gently grabbing hold of his shaking hand, i carressed his palm.

"Calm down, you can do it. I believe in you, I'll be right here." I reassured him, my touch surprisingly calming him, wow. Never knew Harry liked being calmed like this, his cheeks reddened a bit when he managed to catch his breathing. He steps up, but he turns to me again abd gives me a smile filled with gratitude.


With Harry, he had made himself comfortable on the chair and had the hat on his head.

Mh... Difficult, very difficult...

Harry's eyes looked at the brim of the old hat, what in the?

Plenty of courage i see, not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself..

"Hey... Mr. Sorting hat?" Harry whispers to catch his attention.

Yes, Speak up. I don't have all night.

"Wha- What house were my parents sorted in...?" He asked rather shyly.

How do you not... Never mind, they were both in Gryffindor. I pressume you want to be in Gryffindor?

"If i have the qualities to be a Gryffindor, then yes, put me in Gryffindor." Harry spoke aloud, that caused an uproar in the Gryffindor table.

"Well, since you're so sure. GRYFFINDOR!!!" Harry blinked and processed those words and smiled widely.

The Boy who lived happily made his way to the table of his new school family.

"And... Luffy D. Monkey."


Ace froze as he was about to shake hands with the Boy who lived when he had heard the name of his youngest brother.

He heard that correctly, right?

Ace stood up to get a good view, black hair that was always covered by a Straw hat that was hanging loosely behind him, tan skin, crescent scar, doe chocolate eyes. Yep, that's his baby brother alright!

'Professor Mcgonagall!' The Gryffindor Chaser cursed the woman that gave him a knowing look.

With Luffy.

Another difficult one, i see.. What a special bunch of first years. Oh, so your their youngest brother?

'You know my brothers, talking hat?'

They were both difficult ones, Quite the troublemakers. Anyway, you have such bravery and sincerity. The mind of a wise wizard, and the loyalty of a true friend. And, what is this Therapy?

"Oh, oh! That's something we do in the Muggle world to heal our mind from past trauma!"

"Child, you are speaking out loud!"

"You are too." Luffy rolles his eyes as the Sorting hat groaned. Making many students laugh and giggle, some Professors chuckling.

"Now, I've seen it all, you are perfect in... GRYFFINDOR!!!" The Sorting hat roared, Harry cheered as his friend was placed in the same house as him, although he was still confused when one of the Upperclassmen stopped mid-hand shake.

The Gryffindor table clapped their hands and smiled welcomingly to their new members. The straw hat-wearing boy huddled over excitedly, hugging Harry first.

"Welcome to Gryffindor!"



First class, here we go! But beforfe that, Ace and Sabo congratulate him for getting invited to Hogwarts!

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