A/N guys guys guys!!! My wall though^^^
Should I post my J.G fanfic?Chapter Status: Edited
Caleb's POV
Throughout French class Sam turned around and looked at me 17 times. I counted. That's how bored I was.
My stomach grumbled loudly when the bell for lunch rang. I bolted out of the class room and to my locker to get my money. I grabbed my lunch money ans spun around and ran into Sam's chest.
"Whoa slow down baby girl." He said laughing. I slapped his chest playfully. "Hey there's a party at Owen's house tonight, you wanna go with me?" He asked looking down at me. We were having a cute couples moment. But we weren't a couple, I was cuddled into his chest, his hands were wrapped loosely around my waist.
"Yeah sure. Pick me up at 8." I grinned. I slide out of his grasp and walked down to the cafeteria. I bought a slice of pizza and found Tyler and Jodi and sat with them. "Sam invited me to Owens party." I stated as I sat down.
"That bitch! I was gonna take you!" Tyler exclaimed. Tyler and Jodi knew that I liked Sam, and they keep insisting that he liked me back. And from what happened last night, I don't doubt it.
"So what was Nate talking about this morning?" Jodi asked, pushing her salad around the dish.
"Well yesterday, instead of doing French Sam and I kinda made out and Jack walked in on us." I told them slowly.
They looking shocked, then Tyler turned and looked at Jodi. "Our little girl is going to lose her v card soon." He started freaking out.
I scoffed. "Guys I don't think I'm gonna lose my v card." I said picking at my pizza.
"What if you do tonight! What If Sam brings you home! I bet he will!" Jodi yelled attracting some people attention.
"Jodi stop yelling!" I whisper shouted. After everyone went back to their own conversations we started talking again.
"But what if..." Tyler said dreamily. "Id love for him to stick his money maker in me." He said slapping a hand over his heart.
"Tyler! No bad boy Sam is mine." I said fake swatting him with my hand.
He frowned "Not yet he isn't."
"Yeah! When is he gonna ask you out." Jodi exclaimed. "I mean he obviously likes you a lot."
I shrugged. "Well I'm to chicken to ask him out so..." I trailed off. The lunch bell rang.
We walked together to get our stuff. As we walked more and more people were starting to stare at us. I was standing at my locker, people starring at me, when a girl named Lily from my band class ran up to me.
"Is it true that you are going to Owens party with The Sam Wilkinson?!" She exclaims. I nodded slowly. "Where did you hear that?" I asked her a little shocked.
"Well, Brandon over heard Jack and Sam talking, then he told Ally and she told Samantha and she told Justin and he told Isaac and he told Julia and she told Tiffany and she told Hailey,Katarina, Katelynn and you know Katelynn, she can't keep her mouth shut. So basically, the whole school knows. " Lily said is all one breath. My eyes widened.
"And the word is that he's gonna ask you to be his girlfriend." She added excitedly. "I totally ship it." She screeched. I flinched. "Tell me what he's like I'm bed." she whispered then ran away.
I stood there stiff for a moment, a confused look on my face. "What.The.Fuck." I shook my head and got the rest of my stuff.
I walked into the English class room and saw Johnson. "JJ my fav!" I yelled as I galloped towards him and stopped and leaned down and wrapped my arms around his neck, then kissed his cheek. He laughed. No me and Jack don't like each other. We just playfully flirt sometimes.
"Well looks like Ca moves on quickly." Nate remarked.
"Oh yeah totally! You know since I'm going to the party tonight with Sam." I said in a "duh" tone.
"Ohh are you! Is Sammy gonna get some?" He wiggled his eyebrows,
"Nate haven't we been over this, I highly doubt Sammy is going to get anything for a while." I said mocking the way he said 'Sammy'
"When did he ask you?" Jack asked.
"How do you guys not know? Lily told me that, Brandon over heard Jack and Sam talking, then he told Ally and she told Samantha and she told Justin and he told Isaac and he told Julia and she told Tiffany and she told Hailey,Katarina, Kaitlynn and we all know Katelynn, she can't keep her mouth shut. So basically, the whole school knows. How did it miss you guys?" they shrugged.
The late bell rang, "She also told me that she heard that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend tonight."
"What are you gonna say?"
"I'm obviously gonna say yes! I mean I like him, he likes me." I shrugged and turned to face the teacher.
We sat and listened to the teacher go on and on about a writing assignment. Stupidly enough, teachers have told me I have a thing with writing, and that I'm pretty good. So when she said we had to write a short poem about one of our fears. It got me really happy. But then she added that it was due monday.
Bish y da fuq u do dat
From then on I wasn't listening. I was mentally writing my poem about the knowing everything.
Yes, my fear is knowing everything. Like knowing what people say behind my back, and what people think about me. That what its about. But it doesn't sound that way. I had the perfect poem in my head. I scrambled to get a pencil and paper. As quickly as I could I wrote:
Darkness is frighting. But in the dark you cant see the horrible things. You can only hear them.When you really think about it, being trapped in a pitch black room, being unable to see what you are hearing, isn't actually as scary as know exactly whats making the horrifying noise. You can only imagine. And most of the time, what you imagine is far better than actually knowing.
I put the date the piece of paper, wrote my name in the corner and handed it in. Everyone was working on overdue assignments. I had passed everything in on time.
Go me.
I sat in my seat, listening to music and playing ZigZag. The bell rang and I went on to history.
We learned mostly about dead people for a whole hour.
Bio- Tore apart frogs
Then came band. My favourite. I play the clarinet. And I suck. Like really bad.
As I was getting my sheet music out I noticed a class coming in. I looked up on the board and saw that our teacher had written a message.
"You will be preforming for a class today. Good luck!"
I then noticed that it just so happened to be the class that had 4 out of 4. Sam, G,J and Nate. I giggled when I saw Nate and Sam wink at me at the same time. I blew Nate a kiss and Sam sat there looking hurt. I then made a heart with my hands and pretended to throw it to him. He then pretended to catch it, then almost drop it then put it in his pocket. I laughed at him.
Jodi elbowed me as the teacher started talking. I sat and listened. When we were beginning to play I glanced at Sam. He laughed at me then pretended like he was sucking a dick. He wants to make fun of the way you play a clarinet?
I raised my eyebrows (that are on fleek) and grinned. I slowly licked the mouth piece of my clarinet, pretending to wet it. I saw Nate and the Jacks start laughing at Sam. I winked and adverted my attention to my sheet music.
Seriously I did this as fast as I could.I don't have ideas
I listened to Bruno Mars while writing this so if it sucks you know why.
So anyway.... Vote and comment? Like not comment like : "OMG update!" Or "this is amazing! UPDATE" (although... Thank you.) or "you suck" <--- I don't like those comments
Snapchat: jillian_obrien6
Ily all my bad bitches <--- copied twaimz deal with it.

Jerk S.W
FanfictionA book about a girl, who often falls off of her bed, and a boy who often falls for the girl. |highest ranking | | Fanfiction #80 | | Sammywilkinson #8 | | Samwilk #4 | | Sam #35 |