Profounding mysteries

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Makoto pov:

The tunnel is quite long, almost as if it never ends.

It's completely dark, filled with nothing but the uneasy and dull atmosphere.

Behind me was some type of tree? I try to ignore it

I have to continue on.

Seeing something at the end of the never ending tunnel, might as well be the exit

sprinting my way closer to it and see that it's... Not the end of the misery

Looking around the castle like space there's a chandelier, and a soft fluffy floor made of red carpet

I glance up ahead and see a throne with a interesting and antique design..

Honestly this place looks amazing to write something of

A vampire story maybe? An evil king or queen who rules over?

Enough with the ideas! I've got to get out of here.


Author pov:

She walks around and eventually goes up to the throne

Why isn't anyone here? Shouldn't there be a ruler sitting on this throne, watching over?

She thought of that, but no reason comes up to mind as to why no human being is here

"Ah.. So you arrived."

Panickingly, she swiftly looked around her and didn't see anything

Where could the voice come from?


Makoto pov:

This is scaring me.. I don't see anyone yet I hear someone?

Could've been just my imagination but I have a feeling it isn't..

"Mm, I don't think it's your imagination, Minji Makoto"

"W-who are you!? And how do you know my name!" I shout

"Just a figment of your imagination, someone who lives in your mind and knows everything"

"Could you just shut up and come to me-"


The strange voice appears in front of me. And the wand in my hand disappears.

I glance at the figure, he looks quite tall and has horns..? Silky black hair with some white and reddish streaks on it. Not to mention what he's wearing, I could tell he wasn't from this place.

He looks honestly perfect for a fictional character,

too pretty to be real..

But to my understanding this is reality..

"Look who we have here, my other self, Makoto, Mei, and whatever else they call you."

The person says

"My other self? What do you mean.."

He takes a couple of steps forward, inches from my face-

"I was the demon inside your head the entire time- ...But now that you're aware I guess I'll have to introduce myself properly.

I am Minji"

Wait.. isn't that my name though?

What could he be doing with my name?

"I can already see you thinking, 'Why is he also called Minji?' 'Why is he so mysterious and tall? Isn't he supposed to be my other self? Like a figure that looks like me?'"

He takes a step back, but still way too close for comfort.

"I mean, you're not wrong. But I'd like to have answers to those questions, please."

I say slowly


but only if you let me in the mortal world." He insisted

"I promise you won't regret it ~" Minji whispers

I honestly couldn't get my mind into it, what could he mean by ; 'Let me in the mortal world'?

"Okay, but I have some rules.."

author note: wOOO another chapter! also Minji just stole Makoto's name for fun because-

yeah i have no idea, but it works i guess??

ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed

might post another extra chapter today lol

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