04 'I hear you.'

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The team where kitted up and in the back of black Betty

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The team where kitted up and in the back of black Betty. Luca glanced back easily spotting Ynstrad in her green tactical gear instead of his teams black ones. Her face was full of worry as she steared blankly in front of her. Seeing her like this made him just want to wrap her up and protect her. He knew this isn't want he needed to be focusing on right now so he snapped out of it and called out.

"30 seconds"

Like he called, in 30 seconds the tactical vecical came to a stop with Hondo being the first to jump out.
Jess and Hicks was ready to meet them on the edge of the Irish territory a block away from the entrance.

"I suggest we keep the lights on till we're inside. Cutting the power beforehand will only tip them off that we're coming. They most likely have booby traps and counter plans in place." Ynstrad told them. All the team could hear she was no longer the joking girl they had gotten to know but rather a serious Commander. It took real skill to be able to be both, knowing when each is needed. Hondo made a mental note to ask her about it later. After unexpectedly becoming the leader of 20 David some advice would be appreciated.

"Munfords team will go in through the front where as Hondos team and Commander Llewellyn will breach throughout a rear exit." Jess instructed them all.

"I want a set of 3 tactical charges set. A fourth one could trigger an IED if in place. When breaching I want radio silence. If they're the same guys who operate in Belfast then they will be listening in." Ynstrad instructed. All the SWAT members where listening intensively. It seems Commander Llewellyn was well versed in the IRA and there ways of operating. She continued. "I need to conform you have all swapped out your comms unit for the non transmission ones I gave you back at HQ, and a reminder that anything that transits a radio signal is not to enter the area. That includes Mobile phones." She added.

After a second each of the team confirmed that they had done what they had asked and a fue members from Munfords team pulled there mobiles put of there pockets and handed them to Hicks.

When cleared by Hicks the two teams moved into place setting up there charges.

"On my mark. Three, Two, One."


Trigger warning: Gore
There is a summery at the end of you want
to skip it.

As the charges on both door simultaneously went off, SWAT and Ynstrad entered the dimly lit basement pub. Munford and his team entered through the front where as Ynstrad and Hondos team enter through the back, knowing if they where to be met with resistance, that would be the more likely place. Well sweeping through the building the team realised it was very quite. The only sounds were them calling to eachother. Over the radio Munfords voice could be heard telling them to make there way over to his team in the main bar.

"Hey you guys better come see this."

As 20 David carefully made there way to Munford with Ynstrad at the front, they lowered there weapons when they saw him. Stepping in to the room they finally saw the horrific scene infront of them. A gasp escaped from one of the team behind her but Ynstrad was consontrated more on the blood bath that lay before her.

The room had be turned upside down, furniture and bodys of unsuspecting patrons littered the room. The bodys where all shot. Due to the bullet holes witch littered the wall she could only assume someone had open fired with an automatic weapon. As horrific as it was that was not what Ynstrad was looking at. At the end of the bar area opposite to the main door there where four bodys hanging with a noose around there necks. All of their eyes where still wide in terror as they must of been when they died, except one who no longer had eyes. There chests had been carved depicting a bloody thistle. By the cuts and bruising on there bodys it can only be assumed that they had be tortured previously to there hanging. As Ynstrad took in each of there appearance she realised she know them all. Behind the four was a circled cross drawn on the wall with what could only be presumed as blood. The sign of the IRA.

As Ynstrad was taking in the scene in front of her, SWAT was busy going about there job. It was obvious they where all taken aback by the blood bath. None of them with the exception of Hondo has ever sean anything like this. This was what happened in wars not citys. Hondo has thought it best to leave Ynstrad lost in thought. Luca couldn't help but want to go comfort the scott. Even thought her face remained almost neutral he could see her brow scrunching together and her jaw clenching. She was clearly upset yet not wanting anyone to notice. He thought it was best she left but as he made his way closer to Hondo he had told him to leave her. As he was scanning the room he saw an envelope sitting on the bar. It seemed untouched by the events which had happed as it was clear of any blood or dirt. The only thing visable on ot was a name...


20 David make there entry. After stepping in they see that everyone in the pub is already dead. There are 4 bodys layed out who Ynstrad knows. The rest of the casualty are littered around with bullet wounds where as these 4 seem to have had a more painfull death.
There is a letter on the bar addressed to Ynstrad  in Gaelic.

The drive back was solemn. Not only was there no survivors but there was also no one to be held accountable. Hicks had told both teams to return to HQ well the medics and detectives took over the crime seen. Non of 20 David was used to seeing things close to that. Sure they had seen death and bodys before, but not on that scale.

"Why didn't you take it?" Sreets voice suddenly cut through the heavy silence. Coursing everyone to look in his direction, apart from Ynstrad of course. Her gaze stayed fixed to the point on the wall opposit. She stayed quiet even thought she knew he was talking to her.

"Hey?" He landed forward trying to catch her eye.

"I heard you." Her voice cold and emotionaless answered back.

Luca looked back. On hearing her voice his heart wanted to brake. That wasn't the Ynstrad he had gotten to know. The girl sat behind him was a soldier. A product of her environment. He knew that isn't what she wanted to be yet what she had to. He also knew Street didn't trust her which bugged him. She had shown them nothing but guidance and trust over the last fue days, and yet all he wanted to do was drag up her past. Like he could say anything!

"So why didn't you?"

"Street! That's enough" Hondo warned him. They were all in a mood since they way the bust went and he didn't want Street to aggravate Ynstrad. He had seen her mad, and let's just say he didn't want to see it again. That fact she had already reverted back to cold soldier was not a good sign. That and the fact Ynstrad was a higher rank. He needed to respect that.

When they arrived at HQ Ynstrad got out without a word and made her way inside towards 20 David's area and started taping away. After a moment she was surrounded by the team itself who Hondo had warned in her absence about trying to get her to speak. Once her tapping away had stopped they looked up at the screen and saw four pictures of the men they realised had been hanging.

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