06 - Me and my stupid shit

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"Wait what?" Luca almost yelled

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"Wait what?" Luca almost yelled. It seemed he had left her with Wendy before she got to that part.

"Swiftly moving on" Ynstrad tryed to stay focused.

"No. Not moving on. You're telling me he did this to you?" Again anger bubbling in his words.
She turned to face him.

"That's not the important issue right now!" She turned her attention back to the rest of the team. Before Luca could say anything more, Hondo court his eye and motioned for him to stop. Annoyed he huffed but did as he was told.

"When we where kids me and Nicolas tryed to leave. Ever since we were born, we where told we where the good guys. We where the ones who would free our country from the oppressive british government, and that could only be done through violence. That was all we knew. But as we got older we realised what we where doing was wrong." The look in her eyes was a sad one. Remembering all the terror and chaos she had corsed. It hurt her. But now was not a time to dwell. She needed to make up for the things she had done. She was going to arrest her own father.

"That must of been... hard. To leave." Chris added.

"Harder than you could ever know." Ynstrads sad green eyes looked up to meet Chris's brown ones.

"Its a form of brainwashing. That's why IRA soldiers will rather die than be arrested. In there minds there the good guys. They'd rather die a hero's death than be arrested." She looked back to the board. "You're going to need to learn how they operate if you want a chance of catching them."

"You willing to teach us?" Hondo finally spoke. He had been listening and watching Ynstrad. This was clearly hard for her, yet he knew she couldn't drop it. In a selfish aspect he was glad since he knew they needed her, yet he knew it should take a toll on her. He only hoped his old friend was strong enough to come out the other side.


After a long day of going over tactics Hondo called it a night.

"See you tomorrow Ynsie. Thanks for this. Truly."

"Oh I hope ya ain't going soft on me now Hondo." She playfully punched his arm. It had been a long day, both physically and emotionally. Tho unknown to 20 David it still wasn't over for Ynstrad. There was no way she was heading back to camp to sleep, may as well put a sign on her head and wait for her da to come kill her. No. She was going to find him first. She isn't going to let him hurt anyone else, especially 20 David. But why did she care so much about them. Or was it only one she feared for, she thought as her eyes found Luca. No! She was being dumb and needed to focus.

"You with us?" Hondos voice brought her back to what was happening.

"Yeah, corse man." She looked at him giving him the best smile she could manage. Hondo could see something was wrong when it didn't reach her eyes.

"So you're coming then right?"

"Yeah yeah, of course I am... sorry where we going again?"

"Told you, too busy staring at Luca" Street poorly whispered to Chris who just rolled her eyes. If anything she was happy for the pair. The two clearly liked each other and seemed good for one another. If only Street would stop acting like a teenager and stop teasing them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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