Chapter Three

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The Director of Human Resources was Mrs. Agatha Harkness, a woman with a curious personality to say the least.

Although she managed the entire personnel management area of the company, she was not known for her sensitivity with people. This turned out to be a very striking trait in her sessions.

Agatha organized a general public session - with twenty other employees, some of whom you were sure had committed some sort of harassment crime just by the expression you received when you entered - with PowerPoint slides and graphics.

It was the biggest bummer of your entire morning. Every minute of that meeting you were thinking of new ways to strangle Wanda, and it ended up going in another direction, and you had to force yourself to pay attention to the presentation or you would have trouble hiding your arousal at the thought of Wanda on top of you again.

To add to your dissatisfaction, when the meeting was over, Harkness said she needed to talk to you.

"Miss Maximoff asked me to look at your case closely." Declared the woman somewhat distractedly, her hands busy with several folders that referred to employee files. "She told me that the occurrence was something minimal, but that you were feeling a lot of pressure over the last few days, and that perhaps a greater number of sessions were necessary."

Biting the inside of your cheek to keep from cursing Wanda out loud in front of yet another staff member, you took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"It was a one-time incent, Ms. Harkness." You commented. "A misunderstanding, plus it happened outside the office, working hours, and under the influence of alcohol."

Your justifications didn't seem to mean much to the woman in front of you, who only muttered in understanding, and turned her attention back to her folders.

You decided to keep talking. "In fact, I myself have a few comments to add that I would like taken into consideration about Miss Maximoff."

That captured Agatha's curiosity immediately, a wicked smile almost appearing on her lips. You see, Agatha wasn't exactly a bad person. She loved her job, and she was the best at it. But if there was one thing she loved, even more, it was gossip.

"Come with me to my office, please. We can just talk before you decide whether to file a complaint," she suggested as she pinned the files firmly to her arm and waved you to follow her.

With a mischievous little smile, already being able to imagine Wanda's reaction to this story, you did so.


Wanda frowned in confusion when she heard the small commotion outside her office.

And as she got up to understand what was going on, she was even more confused to find her brother greeting the employees as if he were a movie star.

Pietro hugged some people, laughed with others, and waved to those farther away before approaching his sister, who was standing with her arms crossed at the door.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned suspiciously, but Pietro only laughed, kissing her cheek in compliment.

"I came to have lunch with you of course."

"I didn't invite you to lunch."

Pietro laughed again, throwing his hair back. "Come on, Wanda, let's have lunch together. You probably haven't had a decent cup of coffee, and I bet you're starving. We can go to that place you like in the industrial district."

"I'm busy."

"My treat." Pietro insisted, and his sister sighed in defeat.

"Okay, wait for me downstairs." She spoke, and gave the man in front of her a gentle nudge on the shoulder when he winked at one of the employees at the printer. "And try not to get a harassment warning on the way."

Resigned Position - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now