Chapter Seven

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Your visit to the Kamar Taj was being a complete surprise.

Not because they weren't expecting you - because they were, Stephen Strange welcomed you personally - but because you weren't expecting the changes that had taken place there.

In introducing you to the floors, Stephen mentioned that the company had undergone a complete restructuring over the past year. A management group, known as Eternals Inc, had taken over, and the director, Sersie, was making significant internal changes.

You noticed how now the vast majority of the staff were women (thank goodness), and how much more diverse everything was around.

"[...] And now I need to introduce you to Thena, who would be your direct manager here at the Kamar Taj." Stephen continued the guide, leading you into an open long-glazed room with a beautiful view of New York City. There were several tables occupied, and people chatting on poufs and coffee areas. He led you to the right corner, where a couple was chatting. "Thena, good afternoon!" Stephen greeted, approaching first to kiss the woman on the cheek.

"Strange." She returned his greeting with a smile, her gaze falling on you next. It was almost intimidating, and you swallowed dryly. "Hello."

"Y/N, this is Thena, our business manager. And this is Phastos, computer coordinator." Stephen introduced. "This is..."

"Y/N L/N." Thena cut in without stopping smiling, extending her hand to you. "We've heard quite a bit about you, Miss L/N."

"Only good things, I hope."

"The best." Phastos completed with a laugh, then greeted you. "We only hope to meet you at the Expo this weekend, what good news that you can join us early."

You smiled embarrassedly, muttering a thank you for the compliments, and Stephen set about continuing the conversation.

"I brought Miss L/N to meet the Karma Taj this afternoon. Hoping it will help her make her decision about joining our company." He told with a sympathetic smile and Thena looked back at you.

"Is there still any doubt left about it? This is the best place for someone with your skills and ambitions to grow, Miss L/N. Unless you have doubts about where you really want to go." She commented seriously, and you felt your cheeks heat up.

Phastos let out another chuckle. "Come on, Thena, don't be so serious. Wait for the girl to get used to things first before you start scaring her." He joked, lightening the mood of the conversation. He looked at you, and you saw only gentleness in his eyes. "I'm sure Miss L/N will make the best decision. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss."

After Phastos said goodbye, Thena was quick to do the same - briefly explaining what her duties would be in the company, the size of the team, that sort of thing - and then Stephen led you into a very nice office.

"And this, if you accept, of course, would be your place of work."

You widened your eyes slightly. "It's lovely, Strange. And huge, too."

He chuckled, walking over to the head table where he had a contract waiting for you. "The Maximoff company has been a place of growth and safety for you for the past four years, your first experience after college. Hesitation is a natural thing, Miss L/N." He commented, and you took your eyes off the view of New York that the huge windows allowed you to look at him. "But it's time to take the next step in your career."

You swallowed dryly, nervousness in the pit of your stomach. You approached the table to see the huge printed contract placed there, Kamar Taj's name embroidered in gold. With a sigh, you looked again at Strange.

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