7- The meeting

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Stella's P.O.V.

We finally got to the front of the line at the club.

I was trying, I really was. There was a fist fight near us, they got escorted out of line and weren't allowed to enter the club. Then some chick was pushed hard up against me, that alone about set me off and then she puked all over. Luckily she looked the other way and it missed me.

Remind me again, why was I doing this?

Oh yes, my friends thought I needed this.

Again, I knew they were trying to help me but there was no way I could enjoy myself when I knew my little girl was dying. I never should have let them or my parents talk me into this.

The bouncer eyed me for a few seconds. I was waiting for him to tell me I couldn't go in but he didn't. He nodded and motioned for the four of us to go in.

We walked through the doors, looking around for an empty table.

"There's one over there." Krista pointed in the direction of the empty table. "Jen and I will go get our drinks, you guys go get that table."

"Alright, I just want water." I reminded the girls before they headed to the bar. I took Kelly's hand, we weaved in and out of people to get to the one and only open table I saw and sat down.

"This place is so busy tonight." Kelly said as she sat down next to me.

I rolled my eyes, "I already want to go home."

"You need to relax. Let's just have a few drinks and then we can go."

"This was such a stupid idea, Kelly."

She sighed, then perked up again. "Are you excited to come back to work on Monday?"

"Yes of course. I also feel guilty leaving Claire with my mom. I'm so thankful for her help."

"That's what grandparents are for. Plus I know your mom loves watching her and again, it gets you out of the house for a while."

"I know, you're right."

"Alright ladies, here's your drinks." Krista smiled as she sat down at the table, handing Kelly her drink. "Thank God we caught the bartender when we did. This place is packed."

"Holy shit, there are so many hot guys here tonight." Jen said, sliding my drink over to me.

This wasn't the water I asked for.

Jen started looking around again. "Like seriously, when we were single where were all these hot guys at?"

"They're all here for Stella tonight, oh my God I bet that guy can take your mind off of everything for the night." Kelly joked as a muscular man nodded and walked past our table.

It wasn't funny.

I rubbed my face, ignoring Kelly. "Jen, I asked for water."

"Oh, I didn't hear that." She gave me a fake smile as she sipped on her drink.

I felt a slimy hand on my shoulder. "Excuse me?" I looked over to my right, seeing a guy, standing way too close to me. "Hi, I'm Kyle. I was wondering if you wanted to dance?"

"Get your hand off of me and No!" I looked back at my friends.

"How about a drink?" He continued.

"You have approximately five seconds to get your hand off of me before I punch you in your throat. One..."

He started laughing, "Have a nice night." Thank God he got the hint because I was serious.

"I should have worn a fake ring. Darnit! Let me borrow one of your wedding bands."

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