33- Mama bear

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Stella's P.O.V.

I rolled over, groaning the whole way. Why the heck did I drink so much?

"Babe, are you okay?" Cole asked in a groggy voice.

I opened my eyes, confused. "What the heck?" I touched my shoulders and traveled down, feeling over my chest. I sat up, looking down at the site in front of me. Cole's suspenders were now on me, hooked to my dress that was pushed down around my waist.

Cole started laughing, "You really did like those."

"When I said I had plans… this isn't what I had in mind."

Cole sat up, kissing my shoulder. "If I remember correctly, we used those a lot last night."

I smiled at the memory.

I unhooked the suspenders from my shoulders and wiggled out of my dress, tossing it to the floor and laid back down.

I sat up suddenly when the urge to throw up hit me and ran to the bathroom, hovering over the toilet.

Cole came in moments later, holding back my hair while rubbing my back.

"I drank way too much last night. I never puke… I hate our friends."

Cole started laughing.

I flushed the toilet. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit but I'll be alright." He said as he helped me up off the floor. I went over to the sink and brushed my teeth.

"Would you like to shower? A nice, warm shower might make us feel even better." He stood behind me, running his hands up and down my arms.

I spit the toothpaste out. "Yes, then I'm going to lay back down."

After we showered, we snuggled back into bed and fell asleep again.

I yawned and stretched, turning towards Cole but he wasn't there. There was a note sitting on his pillow. 

'I turned off your alarm so you could rest. Picking up Claire for you, be back soon Blondie. Xx'

I smiled at how wonderful that man is.

I was still feeling like crap but way better than I was when I first woke up. Seeing it was 11:41am I got up, grabbed the dirty clothes lying on the floor and in the hamper and started a load of laundry before going into the bathroom.

Turning on the water, I went to the bathroom then got in the shower, this time washing my hair. When I was finished, I brushed my teeth, put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and started brushing my hair when I heard the door open.

I walked out to the living room area, leaning up against the door frame, watching Claire and Cole together in the kitchen as they were digging through the bag on the counter, whispering to each other.

"Mommy. You're awake." Claire said excitedly, as Cole helped her off the counter. She ran over to me as I knelt down, giving me a big hug.

"Hi, baby. I missed you so much. Did you have fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house?"

I picked her up and walked over to the kitchen as she talked. "Yes. We went to the park and Grandma made me Mac and cheese and then we played games."

I started laughing at how excited she was. "That sounds like so much fun."

"I picked up some breakfast for us and lunch for Claire."

"Thank you and thank you for picking her up. You should have woken me up, we could have gone together."

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