Prologue: game start.

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Author: before we start just a reminder that because that issei is starting his first year in kuoh in this fanfic he will be 15 years old and is not a pervert in this fanfic.

Issei's POV.

As we was heading back home from the airport I was honestly tired but happy me and my parents just got back from vacation and even though it's only 1 pm we went to the United States and spent 2 weeks on a bit of a road trip over there it was fun but I'm tired right now that's when I heard my mom.

Mom: issei sweetheart are you tired?

I just nodded tiredly as I heard my dad chuckle.

Dad: yeah that tends to happen when you spend time in America but since you have to start school back up in a week so try to stay awake.

I just nodded.

Mom: *giggling* I don't think he's listening honey.

Dad: *sighs* I figured oh well he can try tomorrow.

Mom: *panicking* honey watch out!

As I opened my eyes to see what was happening I saw a car coming at us my eyes widen as it felt like a whole minute went by but in reality it wasn't even a second as it slammed against our car as it happened my head hit something hard as I blacked out.

Time skip.

3rd person POV.

It was raining still as police and firefighters was still at the crash as well as an ambulance two police officers went to the back excepting to find a corpse but when one of them felt for a pulse his eyes widened as he yelled.

Police officer: we got a live one!

Just then everyone scrambled to get the kid outta the car it was miraculous that he was even alive.

Time skip.

Issei's POV.

As I slowly opened my eyes I felt strange as I looked around I only saw darkness til I saw big letters that said.

Game start?

Think yes or no?

I was so confused I tried to wake up but I couldn't what was this it's so strange.

Issei: (yes?)

Just then a bright light flashed as I closed my eyes as I heard.




I opened my eyes to see a unfamiliar ceiling as I slowly sat up I was in a hospital bed there was things in my vision I tried to blink them away but it didn't work as I then saw this.

Would you like a tutorial on the gamer system?


Issei: (I still think this is a dream but yes?)

Just then it pointed at the 3 bars at the bottom of my vision as it pointed to the red one.

This is your hp once it hits 0 you die if you lose a arm or a leg or have a hole in your gut you will take the damage but it will automatically regrow as a result it will take mp or magical power to regrow it.

It pointed at the middle green bar.

This is your stamina meaning when this runs out you can't run or jump also some attacks don't use mp but Stamina instead.

I then saw it point at the last bar that was blue it said mp in it.

This is your mp or your magical power you use it to incorporate in to magical attacks like for example if you learn or acquire the skill fire ball it takes magical power to cast it.

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