chapter 9: the last 3 days in hell with a flashback at the trial.

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Time skip.

3rd person POV.

It was currently night in the underworld, in the gremory mansion koneko was going to check on issei after using the bathroom. It was a gut feeling and she followed it, once she got to his bedroom she peeked inside to see he was sleeping she was about to leave til she heard.

Issei: *mumbling in his sleep* sorry.

Koneko frowned as she creaked the door open enough to go inside, she closed the door afterwards she went over to issei he was now tossing and turning in his sleep.

Issei: *mumbling in his sleep* sorry no Its not like that plea-

He cut himself off and he kept getting worse so koneko did what her instinct told her she climbed in to his bed under his covers and hugged him he kept moving around but slowly he started to calm down and lean in to her touch, she started to comb her right hand through his hair, and her left kept him in place with strong hands as she said.

Koneko: *whispering* it's okay I'm here.

Time skip morning.

Day 5.

As everyone got up and ready this morning to go to breakfast, normally koneko would be one of the first ones down there but she is no where to be seen we go to the dining room where rias is.

Rias: where do you think koneko is?

Akeno: hmmm well I think that she might have overslept because she stayed up late, *giggles* playing video games.

Just then hakurou came in with genos hakurou had a small smirk on his face.

Rias: hakurou have you seen koneko?

Hakurou: why yes I have.

Rias: whee is she?

Hakurou: she's currently sleeping with issei in her arms in his room.

Sirzechs who reading the newspaper suddenly disappeared as he suddenly cane back with a camera.

Sirzechs: *amused* excuse me but there is blackmail material to be made.

Just then he was gone, and rias and akeno got up to see this first hand.

Small time skip.

Rias: *coos* their so cute.

Hakurou was right koneko had issei in her arms like she was protecting him and it was adorable, sirzechs the current leader of the devil faction was currently gaining hopeful blackmail material by taking alot of pictures of issei's current predicament. But koneko soon woke up to find herself in a very bad predicament as well but she couldn't bring herself to move because issei had a small smile on his face, soon issei started moving a bit. He moved in to her touch as his eyes started to open.

Issei's POV.

I could hear whispering but I also felt warmth it was calming, I leaned in to the warmth even more after a bit through I started to open my eyes to meet.

Issei: *confused* koneko?

Koneko: *pat's Issei's head* good boy.

She then took her arms back sat up and stretched and left, I then noticed who all was in my room.

Issei: *confused* am I missing something?

Rias: nope but it's time for breakfast.

Sirzechs: yeah you better get ready for today.

They then left so that I can get ready I got up, and went over to my dresser after I got my cloths I went to take a shower.

Small time skip 30 minutes.

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