Chapter 5: Midnight Waltz

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Carmen fell asleep in Phoenix's arms soon after establishing the fact that she wasn't going to die. She made the vampire promise to stay there, however, and not run off like some idiot. "This isn't that world with sparkling vampires, so act like an adult and not some edgy asshole," she'd said. Well, Carmen had a way with words, that was for sure.

And so Phoenix remained there, running his claws through her hair and going over the additional issues that would undoubtedly spring up. Similar to many of the myths, yes, there was an overarching council ruling vampires in this city. He happened to be on said council. The head of said council, actually. How he was going to explain this to Carmen, well, he did not know. Technically, he helped make the rules, and he wasn't breaking them by doing this. It all was just, well, sudden.

Phoenix viewed the world as ever-flowing and ever-changing. Back a while ago, vampires were extremely secluded and killed their prey when they hunted. The renaissance of their species brought about a change in mentality, and they could hunt more easily while blending into human society. In fact, vampires adapted to and contributed to it frequently. Some thought of humans as livestock, others thought of them more as delicious equals.

To Phoenix, well, it depended on the person.

Relationships with humans were far from forbidden, but keeping the vampire secret was imperative as to not cause an uproar. Sure, Phoenix had been trying to convince the others on the council that perhaps stepping out of the shadows would do their species well. That whole debate was a definite work in progress.

Falling for a human, though? Really? Phoenix sighed, having imagined he'd eventually settle down with a lady vampire. Now, however, here he was, laying with a human and having the time of his life. He might not be inclined to leave, but he at least wanted to take care of her a bit. After all, she provided him some dinner in a manner that was quite a bit more intense than what he'd given her back at the club.

Therefore, he strolled into the kitchen and looked around, rooting through the cabinets until eventually grabbing a cup. Then, he moved over to the fridge, noticing the lack of water dispenser and giving a shrug.

He didn't know how rude Carmen would consider him if he went through her things like this, but it was just a sustenance here so surely she wouldn't mind if he got her some water. He opened the fridge, looking through various juices until finally he found a container of water with a filter on it. Perfect. He poured a glass of water, snatching up some ice and putting it in the cup for her.

The vampire then strolled back over to the bed to find Carmen's grey eyes locked upon him suspiciously. Though she relaxed upon realizing what was in his hand. "... I thought you ignored my wishes and left," she admitted, avoiding his gaze as he approached and gently placed the water on the table beside her bed.

"You think that lowly of me?" Phoenix questioned in mock shock, placing a hand on his chest as if he was offended. He slipped into bed with her and hesitated before nuzzling into her neck, causing a visible blush to appear on her cheeks.

"Well, maybe not you. But vampires, well, I just learned that they existed. My typical day had involved avoiding perverts. Not, well, bloodsucking monsters that I thought were just myth," Carmen replied, grunting and snuggling closer to him. She couldn't deny her attraction and how she felt in his arms.

"I mean, here I am in bed with you. How do you know I'm not just some bloodsucking pervert, hm?" Phoenix questioned, only half-joking.

"You're still here, aren't you?" Carmen asked, nudging him playfully.

"Fair point," replied Phoenix, giving a light laugh. "You seem strangely calm about all of this."

Carmen gave a shrug, stretching somewhat. "I mean, if you wanted to kill, enslave, or abuse me, you could have done so last night. As far as I'm concerned, you apologized several times over and looked guilty as hell. Something tells me you're not a terrible guy, despite how broody you might be over being a vampire, or whatever," the woman replied in a snarky tone.

Once again, Phoenix chuckled, rolling his deep red eyes. At this point they were finally fading to that icy blue, at least, since it'd been a bit since he'd fed upon her. "Oh please, being a vampire isn't the end of the world. In fact, I typically revel in it. You, however, are a woman I'd rather not scare off. I enjoyed our times dancing and, of course, the intimate behavior that followed. Not to mention, your blood is delicious, darling. I figure I can say that if I haven't scared you off yet."

"Betcha say that to all the girls!" Carmen joked, sneering. Then, however, she grew serious. "But, really. I enjoyed our time, too. So, you're some mythical monster that everyone usually is afraid of. To hell with dancing around the obvious. We both are highly attracted to each other. I'm sure I've seen weirder on the city subway, if I'm going to be honest. So, chin up. I would love to dance with you again, if you'll have me, Phoenix. That, and other things, of course," she added with a wink.

Blush tinged on the vampire's face as he nodded, relieved to be accepted. He cupped her cheek and leaned in close, pressing his lips against hers and growling in surprise as her tongue slipped into his mouth. He returned the aggressive kiss, enjoying the feeling of how she explored and eventually brushed over one of his fangs. They were extended again, and he had no idea—she yelped into his mouth as she pricked her tongue, pulling back somewhat.

Phoenix widened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but she held up her hand. "Hey, I know what I'm getting into. Alright, maybe I have no damn clue. But I'm ready to face whatever it is." From there, she leaned in again and continued the deep, luxurious kiss.

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