Chapter 6: Tasting More than Blood

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There was more cuddling before Carmen got a bit handsy again. She ran her fingers over the hard muscle of the vampire, blush once again preset on her cheeks as she peered up at him curiously.

Phoenix returned her stare, giving a light smile. "I almost feel as though you want me to take you again, Carmen," the vampire mused, decidedly less shy at the moment since he could both read her body language and scent her lust.

"Bloodsucking monster or not, that was the best sex I've ever had. The way you move your hips is addictive as hell," Carmen admitted, hiding her face in his chest and letting out a sigh.

"Well, I have no qualms with showing you what my tongue can do," Phoenix chuckled, moving away from her slightly so that he could slither down the bed, caressing her body with his hands in the process and licking his lips. Carmen widened her eyes, wondering if he was being serious. Indeed, he was—for he split her legs open and rested them on his shoulders, positioning himself so that his face was between her thighs.

Without delay, his tongue darted from his lips and stabbed into her warmth, wiggling to caress all of those most sensitive of places. Carmen let out a loud whimper of pleasure and arched her back, squirming from the welcomed surprise. The vampire's hands came up and grabbed ahold of her hips, ensuring to keep her still as he explored.

In and out he moved his tongue, tasting her and letting out a loud growl of pleasure, unable to help himself. He licked along the inside of her walls before pulling out and swirling her clitoris, all the while enjoying the sounds of her pleasure keeling from her lips. The feeling these moans gave him was a reminder of how much he enjoyed hearing her laugh, for both invoked the same pleasurable euphoria.

Soon, he pulled away, having sufficiently stimulated her. And goodness, she was extremely wet. He moved his body on top of her until he was staring her down, peeling back his lips from his teeth and extending his fangs.

Carmen squealed and shuddered in fear, though couldn't look away. She reached up with her index finger and drew it over his knife-like fang, gulping and glancing away for a moment. Breathlessly, she muttered, "I know people romanticize fang stuff. But goodness, it looks like you could rip the throat out of your victim if you wanted, rather than just bite."

Phoenix's grin widened, and he purred, "Oh, I have. Many times, too. Vampires used to strictly kill their prey in very gruesome ways, including biting through someone's neck, chunking their flesh, eating it, and digging in quite like a tiger does to its prey. That practice is very much frowned upon now. It's such a waste of food, after all." He leaned down and slowly ran his tongue along the vein in Carmen's neck, causing her to gasp out in both fear and wanting.

"T-that's the only reason? A waste of food?" the woman whimpered, turning her head away from him as if submissively. An amused rumble escaped Phoenix as he traced his tongue down from her neck, to her collarbone, finally landing at her breast. He circled her nipple with his tongue, causing her to arch her back and let out a lustful cry. Then he spoke.

"Mmm, yes. For some. For me, well, I enjoy returning to my prey, slowly drinking from them until, finally, I aid them in embracing the darkness. If they cross me wrong, of course. These days I merely take some and leave my prey be. You, Carmen, might be the exception. I almost feel you enjoy being my prey," he hummed, soon enough leaning up and staring down at her again. His blue eyes fixed upon her grey as he tilted his head, waiting.

In a tiny voice, Carmen replied, "No idea w-where you got that impression, hothead. Oof, why do you have to be so sexy? I can't think straight." She took several deep breaths, closing her eyes a moment before opening them again. "Alright, so what if I do? Your ass will see me as weak and dispose of me. That's how it works, right?"

The vampire furrowed his brow and shook his head, giving the slightest of tsking noises. He returned to her neck, giving a light nip and forcing a jolt through her body. "Not quite. I see you as stronger than any human I've met, and possibly stronger than most vampires as well. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't disposed of you yet and could very well have left you. Why would I stick around rather than drain you dry and run off, if that was my objective, hm? Now shall I take you again, darling? Tasting your lust got me very riled up."

"Mmm..." Carmen purred, taking some time to run her finger over his fang one more time. "Fine. But tomorrow you're joining me for a dance at the club again," she stated. Granted, there was a hint of a question in her tone, and in response, Phoenix gave a nod.

"I had the time of my life there with you, much like I am now. That is a deal I will gladly take, Carmen," Phoenix purred, lunging down and sinking his fangs into her neck.

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