The date (TW ED)

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It's been 10 minutes now and we still arnt there, I still have no clue where we are going so I say "you still haven't told me where the date is" and that's when we pull up to the place and it says "paint balling" and he goes "here we are" and I go "no as if I love the place, I use to go here all the time with my dad" and that's when he asks "how come yous don't go anymore?" And that's when I tell him "when I was 12 we found out he had a brain tumour and shortly died when I was 13, that's why I wear this necklace all the time because he gave me it and I put some of his ashes in it" and he goes "I've been wondering why you always have the necklace on, but I'm sorry about your dad" and I go "no don't worry about it not like it's your fault anyway, but do you want to go in now?" And thats when we get out the car and head in.
About an hour after paint balling we head out,and I notice a car it looked like Izzy's but I didn't think to much of it, and we head off to a different place but I don't where to because I all I know is that it's a place to eat and jack said that I would love it. While we was on our way to the place my favourite song comes (blank space by Taylor Swift)and I tell him it's my favourite song and he goes "same" and I higher the volume and we start singing our hearts out, it was almost like one of the moments where you can't forget it no matter what.
about 3 minutes after the song we finally arrived at this place called "Casper's" in Liverpool we walk in and he picks a table for us to sit at and passes me the menu and said "here pick what ever you want i will pay for us both" and oh my god it looked so fucking nice it was loads of deserts like ice cream Sundays,waffles etc of corse i said "you sure you don't have you pay for me you know" and he goes "i'm sure don't worry" and i notice this dessert called "bueno waffle" what said "Fresh waffle served with Kinder Bueno pieces, luxury choco-hazelnut sauce, white chocolate flakes and drizzled with Kaspa's unique white choco-nut spread." it looked so nice.
When the food arrived i just started at it thinking if i should eat it or not because it will make me fat, and thats when he realises i haven't ate yet he goes "dig-in" and that's when i do it i eat it like there's no tomorrow. But that's when i finish it i realised what i did and that's when all the thoughts come in "your fat" "pig" "fatty" "when do you ever stop eating".
And that's when i jack goes "how was it" i reply with "delicious thank you, imma just go the toilet real quick" and that's when i rush to the toilet and i start making myself be sick while i'm being sick all the thoughts agin "you can't go back being fat remember how everyone would make fun of you for it" and the flash backs of people shoving me into lockers or even bins and calling me "fatty" or "pig" sometimes when i would walk into lessons people would say "ay guys look it's the elephant". But that's when i hear it "Harper what's up" it was izzy, i can't let her catch me doing this she will go mental at me, but i get up and flush the toilet and go "omg hi why are you here, wait have you been following me and jack" and she goes "that dosnt matter right now but what was you just doing"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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