Chapter 1-Unworthy of an Angel but I'm Drowning in Your Eyes.

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I do not own any of the characters or supernatural, all are owned by the master Eric kripke

(Author's note)
Hello there, I am Logan and this will be my first ever fanfiction so exuse the poor literary skills. This will be full of angst and confusion, there will be some mentions of homophobia later on, but eventually there will be fluff. If you're reading please vote, tell me what you think and give me some constructive criticism.
Thank you!
I'll shut up now, on with the show!

Sam was out of the bunker, which left Dean alone with his thoughts, drowning in the interests and regrets of his life. The hunter sat, slumped forwards in his chair with his head on the table. The sleeves of his green over-shirt rode up around is bent arms revealing his muscular forearms, scattered with scars he had acquired over the years. His hands were intwined in his hair, gripped tight and strained with frustration.

I want to experience things differently, love someone, maybe even be worth something. No. I want to experience Cas differently, love him, to make myself worth something. No Dean, you're not gay, even if you were you're not good enough for him, Dean thought, battling himself with conflicting feelings, Cas is an angel, you're not good enough for him, you're never good enough.

Dean breathed out a growl of frustration gripping his hair tighter, tears forming under his eyes which he had clenched shut.

The hunters thoughts were interrupted by a familiar sound of angel wings echoing through the bunker.
"Hello Dean," a gruff yet soft voice spoke. Cas. Dean jumped in his chair at the sudden presence and wiped his eyes furiously with the palm of his rough, worked hands, as a desperate attempt not to raise suspicion.
"Uh H-hey Cas," Dean spoke, sorrow still cloaked through his voice, even with the light greeting.

Castiel's expression furrowed, confusion and concern clear upon features of his face. Dean seems upset, why? Should I ask? Dean doesn't like to talk about that. His pondering was interrupted but Dean coughing awkwardly, noticing the silence which had invade the bunker.
"Was there something you wanted Cas, Buddy?" Dean asked curiously, feeling uncomfortable in the silence, not knowing the thoughts going through the Angels head had made him feel more uneasy.
"Oh-erm- yes, I have a case, for you and Sam," Castiel stated, his eyes scanning the room noticing the lack of Sam's presence.
"He'll be back soon, he's just gone running, I don't know how he does it," Dean scoffed humorously as a sore attempt to lighten the mood.
"Well I would suspect it was through a certain amount of physical ability, experience and leg movements," Castiel stated tilting his head to the side, frowning slightly at Dean's confusion.
"No Cas I meant- never mind," Dean giggled, his shoulder raising and falling slightly accompanied by a soft shake of his head.

He's so cute when he does that. Dean, no, shut up. Dean thought softly but then internally scolded himself for his feelings.

"Cas, please, never change," a smirk now placed onto his face. Their eyes locked for a moment, Cas looked curious and concentrated whereas, Dean looked like a mesmerised school girl in front of her crush.

His eyes, I could drown in them, they are so blue, beautiful, perfect. Stop. The way he looks back maybe, just maybe, he feels the same. The same? How do you feel Dean? Dean's thoughts became a murmur as he got more and more lost in the mystical blue eyes staring back at him.

I like Dean's eyes, they remind me of a forest, I can't help but stare into them, they are beautiful. They remind me of how mesmerising his soul is, they remind me of leaves holding small raindrops. Back before humans, when the leaves, and green coated everything .

Both of the boys' thoughts were interrupted by Sam entering the room in the bunker. Sweat was glazed over his forehead and his tall figured gently moved as his heavy breathing calmed. He face seemed amused at the sight of them staring at each other, a small smile and a raised eyebrow was enough to make Dean blush a little as he tried to act as if nothing happened.
"Hey there Sammy," Dean greeted coolly, "finished sweating all the moisture in your body out?" Sam simply rolled his eyes and looked upon Cas.
"Hey there Castiel, what brings you here? Apart from having eye sex with Dean?" Sammy asked, through his grin.
Dean blushed and panic for a response "shut it! Bitch,"
"jerk," Sam replied, clicking the K.
Cas simply ignored the second comment, and explained the details and location of the case. It seemed as if it was most likely to be another haunting, just another day on the job.

So that was my first chapter, hope you enjoyed, I'm going to start writing the second chapter soon. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Thank you so much or reading. 😊

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