Chapter 3

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I don't know how they guessed my name correctly, though I'm glad they didn't name me Cecelia, I don't like that name.
"We're gonna be best friends, best friends forever, your gonna sleep on my bed tonight, you're gonna sleep on my bed for forever" the little girl sings while holding me like a baby, she walks towards a room to the left of the living room and says, "this is Mummy and Daddy's room" she walks down a hallway and says " this is Andy's room and this door" she walks down the hallway a bit and opens another door," this door leads to my room!" She walks into the room and puts me down on her bed, I look around her room and see a chest of drawers, and next to it is a full-length mirror, I hop off the bed and walk up to the mirror, green eyes stare back at me, my orange tabby fur sticking everywhere at odd angles, I find it weird how I was born with blue eyes and brown hair as a human but my kitten version of me has ginger fur and green eyes.

"Dinner time," the woman calls, I think her name is Stella or Ella or something like that." Come on, it's dinner time, Bella" she lifts me like a baby again and brings me into the living room, she puts me down on the couch then goes to the table and starts putting stuff on the table. I watch them until someone comes and sits beside me, I whip my head around and find Andy sitting there. He reaches out and lifts me by the tummy, setting me down on his lap, patting my back and head, in between my ears. I roll over on his lap, stretching out on my back. When he starts patting my tummy I purr, in pure heaven at the patting.

Before I know it I'm being lifted off his lap and being set on a pillow beside where I was laying on him. I meow in protest, looking at him with annoyance before I settle down on the pillow and go to sleep.

I wake up to someone lifting me gently, I meow in complaint, digging my paws into something. " Ouch! That hurts Bella," I open my eyes and find that it was Andy picking me up, interrupting my beautiful slumber. I lick his hand where I dug my claws in, licking up the tiny drops of blood that I accidentally made when my claws dig into him.

He lifts me, setting me down on his shoulder before walking down the hallway to what I think is his room. He takes me off his shoulder and puts me on his bed, saying "just stay there for a moment," before he walks towards the dresser and lifts his shirt, swapping it for a baggy oversized one, as he shrugs off his shorts I quickly turn and curl up with my eyes closed on his bed, resisting the nearly overwhelming urge to peek at him.

As soon as the mattress dips, signaling that Andy is getting into bed I hop up and walk towards him, sinking into the soft duvet.
Once I made my way to him I snuggle up next to him burrowing under the blankets beside him. I think he gives me a bit of a weird look but I shrug it off. As soon as he starts patting me I start purring, slowly sinking into a deep sleep.


I wake up to Andy tossing and turning in bed, moaning, saying something like "stop, stop wait for me, don't go!" I'm confused, he starts panting, his tossing and turning getting rougher. I'm worried for him. I jump off his bed, running to where the little girl said her parents' room was. Their door is open a tiny bit, allowing me to drag my claws along the door, opening it enough for me to get through. I jump onto their bed, climbing on top of the man, walking up to his body, I reach his face and start licking it urgently, smoothing his cheeks with my paws and meowing.

"Uh, what is that noise," the man complains, putting his hand over his face. I meow more, he lifts his arm up and peers at me. I jump down, off the bed, still meowing, and stand by the door. He gets up, grumbling about something I can't hear, he goes to the door where I'm standing. I quickly walk forward, towards Andy's room but stop and turn around to make sure he's following me. He is, slowly walking behind me. I meow one more in urgency for him to hurry up, he quickens his pace.

Once we are by Andy's door the man rushes past me into Andy's room. He goes to Andy and shakes him, trying to get him to wake up. "Huh," he pants heavily again, curling into himself and moaning in pain.

I jump onto the bed, going up to Andy, licking his face and smelling him. He smells weird, I sniff a bit harder, going up to his hand and sniffing that. The weird smell is coming from there. Without thinking I bite into his hand making him wince, but some kind of black slimy stuff comes out. I sit back, waiting for the black stuff to come out. Once it's all out I lick the spot where I bit him, sealing it up with my apparent ' magic saliva' according to my old friend at the cattery I was in before the pet store. 

The man gives me a weird look, I think nothing of it, shrugging it off.

Andy uncurls from his curled up position, lying flat on his back, arms and legs spread out, "what happened?" asked the man

" I don't know, all of a sudden I got this excruciating pain, like when I fell from that climbing wall when I was younger."

What could of caused this pain? I don't know what could of happened.

leaving my thought alone, I focus on myself, my head feeling sore and a bit weird, It normally doesn't take as much energy to heal something small like that. Hmm.

All of a sudden I feel dizzy, I wobble over to somewhere, and all of a sudden I'm falling, I don't hit the floor before darkness overtakes me.

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