SML characters reading Jeffy's Execution (15+)

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Warning: This one is kinda disturbing for many readers due to the mention of the fanfic being extreme graphics toward SML's target of content.

(This story was inspired by ElifSinimRainbow64z's fanfic)

In the living room, Junior, Joseph and Cody were looking though the dark web on his laptop and discovered a wiki called The SML Fanon Wiki.

Junior: Wow, guys look! Fans have made a fan wiki based on the show!

Joseph: I know dude!

Junior: Hey, what if they made an episode where Cody and his mom turn into a pig!

Cody: Guys! That's not cool!

Junior: Wait..."Jeffy's Execution"? What's that mean?

Joseph: I don't know dude! Should we call him over?

Cody: Why not just call everyone over? It's movie night today!

Junior: Oh yeah, that's right. Jeffy! Come over here!

Jeffy entered the scene.

Jeffy: Hi guys! What you guys talking about?

Junior: So we stumbled across a fan wiki based on SML and I found this page called "Jeffy's Execution" and it's...*He looks at the synopsis and looks back at Jeffy* I don't know what's going on right now.

Jeffy: Why not check it out? But first, I have to call my daddy!

Junior: Oh, let me call Chef Pee Pee!

Jeffy: Daddy! I want you to come to the living room now!

Junior: Chef Pee Pee! Get over here!

Marvin and Chef Pee Pee entered the scene.

Marvin: What is it Jeffy?

Chef Pee Pee: What do you want, Junior?

Junior: We found the SML Fan wiki! And we found a fanfic call "Jeffy's Execution"!

Marvin: Um, you sure this is safe? Let me check... *He checks the fanfic but didn't bother to check fully, not even checking the contents out* Hm, ok. Whatever!

Junior and friends started to read the page from start to finish.

After reading Jeffy's Execution

Everyone were in shock after reading the fanfic.

Cody: I-I-I...what the hell did we just read?!

Joseph: WAAAAHHH!!! I'm outta here!

Joseph exited the scene.

Marvin: I don't believe this...why would I do this?! I love my son too much!

Jeffy: Daddy? What's going on here? *His dad was covering his eyes so he won't get scarred*

Marvin: Um, nothing! Jeffy. Why not go play piano or something?

Jeffy: Ok daddy!

Jeffy exited the scene.

Marvin: I b-better leave now...

Marvin exited the scene.

Cody: Oh god! I'm gonna throw up! I need the bathroom!

Cody exited the scene. All that left is Junior and Chef Pee Pee.

Chef Pee Pee: W-what the f***? Why would I commit such a horrible crime?

Junior looked at Chef Pee Pee.

Junior: Chef Pee Pee what I just witnessed will scar me for the rest of my life.

Then, Brooklyn Guy and Goodman came out of nowhere.

Brooklyn Guy: I know how you feel. I've been a victim of these killing fics before. Like look at Goodman! He's all pissed right now after reading the alternate ending of Jeffy Plays Baseball!

Goodman: I'm gonna sue anyone who made these!!!

Brooklyn Guy: Yeah, see? How about we just erased the search history of this and never talk about it again?

Chef Pee Pee: O-oh ok...

Goodman: I've never show those to Richard, my son.

Junior: Same, for my dad.

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