Chapter 2

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I groaned, as I sat up in a sitting position. Where the hell am I...?

I looked around the room and found out that there were no windows int he room. Greeeeat, but seriously where am I?

What the hell happened? Why am I here? Where is he...?

Ha, then it all came in. Ofcourse, that bastard knocked me out? What the hell is his problem!! He drags me in the middle of nowhere and then knocks me out.

I'm gonna wring his neck the next time I see him.

As I was thinking of different ways of Nico's murder, I heard a loud creak and turned to find him poking his head through the door.

"Hey," he says. I narrowed my eyes at him and shot him a death glare.

"What the hell are we doing here!?" Why the hell did you knock me out!? And where the hell are we!?" I demanded as he plopped himself beside me.

"We are in hell," he answered monotonously making me harden my glare at him.

"I am serious, where are we !?" I growled at him.

"Like I said, we are in hell," he deadpans.

I frowned,"Nico, shut up."

After Nico gave me a long explanation about Greek gods and monsters and half bloods ( ?? Demigods?) I stared at him trying to take in everything that he'd just told me.

"Nico," I started

"Yeah",he asked

" How high are you exactly?", I inquired as he facepalmed.

"Gods, Miranda! I'm not high! I'm telling you the truth. Both you and I are half bloods and I'm the son of hades, god of the underworld and we are in the underworld as well!",Nico exclaimed.

"Hades?....ah that dude in the hercules movie, isn't he?"

"No,"he appeared furious, but said in a calm tone," my dad was represented wrongly in the film."

" How the hell do you expect me to believe this ,hm?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then grabbing hold of my wrist, dragged me  out of the small room that I'd been staying in.

Nico yanked me to a dimly lit hallway that kinda reminded me of one of those medieval castles. Nico then swung open a pair of old musty metal windows.

"Look here."

I peeked my head through the window and my jaw hit the floor as I found myself staring at a vast field of .... people? I wasn't sure.on the other side, I found an atrocious field that made my stomach twist in tight knots, people getting tortured in number of ways so horrible way that I never thought was possible. And not from the gruesome field was a small disciplined island that looked like a nice place.

"Close your mouth."

I frowned slightly as I obeyed Nico's order.

"So, do you believe me now?", He asked me, cockily. I hesitated.
"Slap me."
"Huh, why would I do th-"
"I said slap me",I retorted.
"Jeez fine...but this is gonna hurt okay," he warned.
"Yeah, whatever just slap me already.",I snapped at him.

The piercing sound of it was heard in the eerie hallway. I then raised my hand to cup my reddened cheek.

I narrowed my eyes at Nico," What did you that for," I burst out.
"What the- ,but you just asked me to slap you dammit,"he yelled. After a moment, another ear splitting slap was heard in the hallway.

"H-hey! What the hell!?" Nico exclaims, rubbing his cherry red cheek.
"You deserve it," I grumbled.
"For what??" He asked vehemently
"For slapping me dumbass,"I shouted.
"You asked me to!"
"Shut up!"
"You shut up."
"Well, you slapped me first ."
"That hurts you know!"
"Well, I did warn you, didn't I?"

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