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"Miranda Miranda Miranda Miranda, wake up, dammit." I heard Nico exclaim.

"Ugh, 5 more minutes.." I grumbled under my breath as I then slowly opened my eyes to find a pair of very dark eyes staring at me.

"Okay, you've officially crossed personal space line." I said, as I used my hand to push his face away. I couldn't help but blush slightly.

" Well, I wasn't the one who crossed it." Nico said, in a muffled voice. I took my hand off him to see him scowling at me.
" Why am I always getting blamed for what you do...?" He muttered bitterly.

"Because I'm innocent little girl."I said, battling my eyelashes innocently at him.

"Yeah, innocent my ass", he grumbled making me glare at him.

"Shut up," I replied," how do you feel anyway?"

"Well, I was fine until you started blaming for your own actions,hm," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't I Just tell you to shut up?"I said, glaring at him.

Someone cleared his throat. I turned around to see a brown haired boy holding two glasses...of something. The kid handed us both one of these then left wordlessly.

I took a sip. And was finishing the drink which was so good before Nico fished it away frm me.

"Hey, I was drinking it."
"Too much of this will burn you up."
"Since when did strawberry milkshake started to burn people."I scowled, at him.

" It's not a milkshake,ok. It nectar, the drink of gods. It radiates good memories when you drink it. Hence, different taste for everyone."Nico explained, and then lying back down.

" You are feeling alright, hm?"
" Never been any better."Nico replied, with eyes closed.

"So, I suppose it would be a very good time to tell me what the hell was your plan to bring"I asked.

" It's a place for halfbloods, where they are safe."Nico deadpanned.

"Wait a sec, are you implying that I'm a halfblood?" I exclaimed.
Nico nodded.
"Yes, your point?", Nico stated as I gawked at him like an idiot.

"But....that's not possible. I mean, how does that even work in the first place. And besides demig-. You've surely got the wrong person. I ain't no-"

"Are you dyslexic?", He interrupted.
"Ok,um, but you're ADHD?",He said, frowning slightly.
"Yeah, but how does that make me a halfblood?"I asked him.

"Those are two obvious signs that you're a halfblood. Though, recently many have appeared to not have dyslexia but ADHD is common."

"So, you grab an ADHD and bring them here, huh?"I raised.

"Don't you think that for a Wimpy kid who didn't ever attend any self defense training ever, you had too good reflexes?"

I scowled," I'm not Wimpy, ok. And I didn't really beat that...thing. it was you."

"Good point, but you were stupid enough to jump and even managed to poke that Minotaur in the eye,"he smirked," not many have managed to that, trust me."


"Besides, you just drank the nectar," he interrupted," if you were a mortal, you could've burnt up."

"So, I'm..."I trailed off.

"Yep, a demigod."

The Curse of The Pendant (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now