His Brother

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Chapter 2:

"Come on hurry," The avian exclaimed pulling the Tubbo with him.

They stopped at a door of a cave. The avian cleared his throat before knocking on it. Wilbur opened the door. Tommy had to pause for a moment. The brunette was transparent. He looked like an old friend.

"What's up Toms," The phantom looked down at him. His glasses fell off the rim of his nose. Wilbur looked to the side and his mouth fell open.

Is he seeing two?!

"Who is... I-" Wilbur was stuttering all over his words looking shell shock. "There's two of you,"

The Avian nods. "I know isn't he cool," He shoved his counterpart closer to his brother. "He even got this cool scar right on the corner
if his jaw," The avian pointed at the scar.

"Wow, he's even cooler than you." The phantom grinned. Tommy never got this many comments on his scars before. It was always 'how did get them' or pity when someone knows how's he got them.

"I know right! Told you he's like a more seasoned of him." Tubbo pointed out and then started burst out laughing.

"Hey!" The avian grumbled with feigned annoyance. The bee hybrid thrumble over out of laughter, knocking against the Enderian arm.

"Commoners," The prince laughed under his breath shaking his head. And dusting off his sleeve.

He was still semi frighten on how closely he looked to Ghostbur. Well how much he reminds him of him. Maybe it was because he was transparent like him...

Than Tommy heard the phantom burst out laughing. It was echoey and light. It really sounds like ghostbur. Tommy started to feel a bit uneasy.

Wilbur seemed to caught on to the frighten teen that looked like his brother. "Hey, are you alright?"

That cut Tommy out of his thoughts giving a reassuring smile. "Yeah," He said softly Wilbur seemed not to be fully convinced at that, but didn't stayed quite. Tommy was thankful for that.

He wasn't one to talk much about his pass. It was something that he only wanted deal on his own. His pass problem with people are only between them. No one else.

Plus he didn't want anyone to see him as weak.
As ineptitude of taking care of himself. He's isn't a child anymore. Well at least he doesn't see himself as one.

Wilbur leaned against the doorframe crossing his arms. "Anyways why is you and your little seasoned counterpart here?"

"Oh, we've been looking for a way to go back. I thought maybe you will know,than again you're useless. The avian hybrid smirked at his own joke earring a eye roll from Wilbur.

"Well you're right about something. I don't know how to get your counterpart back. Have you tried asking Phil?" Wilbur asked getting an annoyed huff from avian.

"Obviously," Tommy scoffs. "He's just busy right now,"

"Ah, since your waiting let's play cards."

Tommy grinned eyes having a mischievous look on his face. "What to your propose?"

"How about a good old game of Uno?"

"Yes! Am so good at that game!" Tubbo cheered giving as huge smile. Ranboo gives him a weird slacked smile.

"What is this game you call Uno?" The enderian asked.

"Shit, I forgot that the prince doesn't know anything that we 'commanders' do." Tubbo put his finger in quotation marks.

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