Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Avu's prov

Iam really happy with him. I Just  saw now he in movie time sleeping in my shoulder. I Just smile to saw him. He Just like a kiddo. He looking sooo cute. His cute face and beautiful smile on his face looking more cute. Aww why he always cute. I just saw now his phone is Ringing. I take a phone and saw  name It's Anu write. I don’t know  who is this anu? Why she calling in sid's phone? Why she want? I Just confused and some questions in my mind. Then I picked phone" Heyy Sid, how are you,  what are you doing?, did you forgot me?  Sid sid why you are not saying anything? Say me what happen are you ok " Anu Just saying from call and Avu doesn’t understand who is she? But Anu continuously talking. Then Avu said " Hey Actually Iam not sid " Anu Just shocked and said " Who are you? Where is sid? He is ok?what happen to him? Say me please please " Avu just doesn’t understand that why she doing so care for sid? She feeling so jealous Obviously It's common.He is her  husband. Then Avu said " He is ok don't worry he Just sleeping " Anu take a relive breath and said " Ohh Iam now able to relive. Thank you so much for tell me " Avu said " No need dear " Anu said " But who are you? How's sid's phone with you?  Which relation you have with sid? " Avu said " I wil tell you soon that who I am?  Which relation I have with him? But first tell me who are you? Anu said" Iam Anushaka sen. Sid's classmate " Avu said "Ok I wil tell you to call you when he wil wake " Avu said and cut call. Avu Just thinking about anu now because she understand her worriedly for sid. Her care for sid. It’s not only friendship. It’s something much. Avu not much sure about that but she Only thinking about anu now. Then suddenly he saw sid woke up. Sid wake up and start staring avu. Avu saw and said " Ohh hello Mr  What happen? Why are you staring me? " sid give nervously answer " ohh ohh actually " Avu Just chuckled and said " what ohh ohh " Sid said " Nothing "Sid trying to change topic he said " You say where you lost? " Avu said " Ohh trying to change topic " Sid nervously said " No.. No.. No "Avu said " what " Avu Just smirking and Sid said" you forgot that say where you lost on that time " Avu now change her behaviour from friend mode She Just come in wife mode and asked " Who is this Anu " she said with some gairing away first time she asking sid said " Ohh actually I was forgot to tell she is my new friend " Avu said " Ohh ok but when you meet her? " Sid said " Yesterday I meet her " Avu said " Ohh ok but in first meet you gave your phone number? " Sid said " Yeah, what happen" Avu said " Sid you didn’t know her much and giving number in first meet really? " Sid said " So what? She is really nice girl. She is my classmate. So we can exchange number so? " Avu said " But "Avu woona to say something more but cut by sid. Sid said " No but and Nothing much. Let's go home now Iam really sleepy or else I wil sleep in Chinima Hall

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