A New Hope - BTS

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"I'm low on cash but I really need some food from this vending machine, could I bother you for a dollar?"


A pale fist weakly hit the glass for the final time.

Yoongi was starving, but he didn't even have enough money for this silly vending machine.

He looked around.

Although he was near the university, it was too late for there to be anyone around. Yoongi had stayed back late with his best friend Namjoon to work on producing a track for their class.

He had given Namjoon a dollar, think he had another to buy a muesli bar from the vending machine for dinner, and then walk across town to get home. But alas, he had given away the last of his money, and would have to walk home hungry.

Yoongi sighed, zipped up his coat and prepared himself for the walk ahead of him. Then he saw someone walking down the street.

It was a petite man, about his age, with soft pink hair, and wearing clothes much too cold for this time of night. But more importantly, he might have some spare change!

As the boy passed where he was standing, Yoongi spoke up, "Excuse me?" It seemed to startle the poor guy, as he looked around and pulled an earphone out of his ear.

"Hey, uh, sorry about that." The guy watched as Yoongi scratching the back of his neck, and his tension released from his face.

"Don't worry about it. I just didn't see you there," he replied. Yoongi decided that he liked this stranger's voice. It was soft and light, and he wondered if he sang, because it would as nice texture his latest tracks. But woah, he had to slow down with the daydreams. He didn't even know this stranger's name!

"Long story short, I'm low on cash and really need money from this vending machine. Could I bother you for a dollar?" Yoongi looked forlornly at the machine behind him. When he looked back, the guy seemed to be taking quite a while to decide.

Odd, he thought. It's just a dollar, not a blood sacrifice.

"I'll do you one better," Mr Unknown said.

What? Wait, if he gives me two dollars, then I'll be able to get a bag of chips! More food!

"Come with me." And with a flick of his hand, gesturing for Yoongi to follow, the stranger turned around and started walking away.

"Wait!" Yoongi ran to catch up. "What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"Whatever you bought from that vending machine was going to be your dinner wasn't it?" Yoongi just nodded, still confused.

"I thought so. But a dollar will only get you a muesli bar, and that is not a sufficient meal." He gave Yoongi a pointed look.

"Yeah I suppose," he shrugged. "But it's usually enough to get me by." The guy stopped walking and stared incredulously at him.

"What? You can't just eat that!" He just shrugged and kept walking.

"You never answered my question."

"Well, we're here now anyway, so I guess we'll have to continue this conversation later," the stranger said stopping in front of a convenience store. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Come on, then. Let's get out of the cold." The stranger just opened the door and walked in, leaving Yoongi to follow after.

A wave of warmth washed over him as he walked into the small store.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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